
Fifth Ave. NYC (4 shots of same building)
I have suspected that George Bush is the Antichrist for a long time. The hardest thing to believe about it is; “Can this really be happening?” We all like to think “Some time in the future, but not in my lifetime.” Or another land or religion, but the Bible says “They went out from us, but they were not of us.” The truth is He is here now. The time is right the place is right and George Bush’s spirit is right. Prince of lies, Ruler of this world, Lusting for Money and Power, Ruthless, Torturing, Killing, Cheating, Deceiving and being Deceived. 2Tim. 3: 1: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (notice he is telling the church that perilous times shall come, because they need to know this. If we were going to be raptured out before, why would Paul be warning us about them?)
2: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3: Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4: Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;”. For more see Stephen Hanchett’s page> http://www.bushisantichrist.com/ I would also recommend his book. How should we as believers be living now and what should we be doing now? This whole system is corrupt when we will pay a basket ball player 100 million dollars to put a ball in a hoop but won't take care of health care or the poor. Do we think that democracy and capitalism is the Kingdom of God? Or is it of the spirit of Antichrist? The revival of the Roman empire. (as is explained in my other post) As many of you may know the Greek and Hebrew used their alphabet for numbers, and numbers have meaning. This is why in Revelation we see a number that has a meaning. The Bible gives us the keys to understanding the meanings by the way they are used. There are several books available on the subject. I will give you a few that are relevant here. The number 3 is the number of divinity (trinity) and 8 the number of new beginnings, resurrection and life. Jesus rose on the 8th day of the week, or the first day of the new week. This signified a new beginning a new day. That is why the early church met on the 8th day, it was a breaking from the Old Testament Sabbath. To the Christian our rest is in the Lord, it doesn’t matter what day it is. The name Jesus in Greek, Iησους (iota=10, eta=8, sigma=200, omikron=70, upsilon=400, sigma=200 ) adds up to 888. This name and its numerical value speak very well for him; Divine Resurrection and Life. 6 is the number of man (God created man on the sixth day). So with antichrist we have 3 sixes. He has 3 because he will “be as God” Gen:3:5. Christ was God making himself man = 888, Antichrist is Man making himself God = 666. That is the essence of the spirit of Antichrist. In the Garden this was the lie the devil told them. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Ever since, man has thought he was his own god, deciding for him self, what is good and what is evil. This is the whole idea of relativism. We all have our own truth. You have heard some say, “well that may be true for you”. Truth is true even if you don’t believe it. If you are standing in front of a train and you don’t believe it is coming does that mean it won’t hit you? It is not just a question of believing something that makes it true, even if you have no doubt. If someone had stolen your engine out of your car, and you went out to start it fully believing it would start, it still would not, because there was no engine, and you would have believed a lie. If you don’t believe the devil exists, that does not mean he doesn’t. Truth is discovered as we seek, and it is personified in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. “I am the truth”.
If man is the problem, man is not the answer, yet he continues to worship the works of his own hands. Right in the heart of NYC, on Fifth Ave, the only building that had it's numbers displayed on it and lighted up in RED at the top of the building, was 666 Fifth Ave. ( pictured above) Red is the color of man, the name Adam means Red Blood. Here is a link to the picture above> http://www.fashion-planet.com/windows/666/index.html . After 9/11, and the Bush administration was in control, the name was changed to Citi, representing the money power and god Mammon. Now that the Beast is revealed, the sign 666 could come down ( it was as though it was fore telling his coming). Yeah, tell me this is all just coincidence. NYC represents the height of man making himself god and the worship of the works of his hands. Rv:13:16: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” The mark in your forehead and in your hand speaks of who you serve with your mind and hands (body), or mentally and physically. 17:” And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”. Notice it says ALL!!! including the small, poor and the free. That would seem to include the saints. None of us today are able to feed our families or take care of our needs without serving this antichrist beast system to some degree. We can not buy or sell without being on this grid, and a part of the system. The difference is those that belong to the beast believe in this system, those that belong to God hunger and thirst for Gods kingdom. Those that are of the beast are the ME first people, seeking to get more money and power. Those that belong to the Lord seek to help others and minister unto the Lord. Remember God resists the proud. We are in the world, but not of it. Your job is not your provider, the Lord is. The great Whore Babylon false religion and the religious right give power and justification to this beast.
I would like on this site to expand on the discussion of Biblical prophecy and things like the "Rapture" which is one of the main heresies affecting the Church today. I welcome your comments, and questions.We can discuss money, politics, and religion. I believe as a body we will find more truth together. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
That was a very enlightening post. Thank you very much. SBM
My name is Susanne and I know in my heart, by the grace and knowledge of God, that you and Stephen have to be correct. As chilling as it may seem, I do not get scared because it reassures me that God is still in control; and even GW Bush said, "God is the author of this war." Indeed, He is. My question, (I'll try to be brief). Remember when Stephen was grasping at a long shot about the economy coming back in a strong way and then everyone would follow and marvel after Bush; that this may be "the fatal head wound" that the Bible talks about? Anyway, do you think there could be any possibility of the stock market being the mark of the beast somehow? With Bush insisting about privatizing Social Security, and EVERYONE would have to invest in the stock market (my understanding of the sketchy details is you don't even have a choice to hide your contribution under your bed, you HAVE to invest it in one of the prosposed accounts. Just a thought that is nagging my brain. Maybe the verichip is not the mark of the beast, maybe, maybe, its the stock market. I hope you read this soon. I so enjoy your site, I hope they can never shut you down, and I'm looking forward to Stephen coming back. I'm also very glad that you allow anonymous comments, as I am not a blogger, but I wish to be involved. Looking forward to your response. May God Continue to Bless You. Thank you.
Thank you I am glad you are blessed by what you are reading on these Blogs.
You asked about the Fatal wound to the head. I would just have to say that I have no real strong revelation about exactly what that is. I have several speculations. One of which is the Head may have been George Bush Sr he is the little head because he is a front man for the Saudi Royal family. They intended to keep him in power and he lost to Bill Clinton. Kinda like a mortal wound to the head of this Neo Con Antichrist movement. ( Vast Right Wing conspiracy, as Hillary Clinton put it.) Then that dragon did all he could to destroy Bill Clinton. Then he comes back to life in the person of his son, GW. The world marveled that this man who cam from no where with no qualifications became the president.While Clinton was President a spirit spoke to me through a person, and told me that George Bush was behind some bad events that where happening. I said no that can't be, Bush is not in power so he could not be behind these things. ( GW was not yet even Governor) The spirit then said; You watch , He'll come back and the stock market will crash and we will go to war. I laughed. Now I know that it was a spirit that told me those things. So It is possible that GW is the same spirit, in the same way that Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah. He was of the spirit of Elijah. I have other possible ideas as well. but let me just say that I believe that as we seek , we will know the answer to those things that are needful. and that truth will be revealed. As far as the Mark of the beast in the hand and forehead I made it clear in my post on the "Mark of the Beast" that it speaks of who you serve with your mind/soul (Forehead) and physically (hand)
No I do not believe there will be a literal 666 mark or any implant. Satan is more subtle. This whole system is Antichrist. Satan is the God of this age.
Good Morning PeterZ,
Susanne again. Thanks for your prompt response. I think you are right on "the mark"! It will be more subtle than an implant. Interesting about how Clinton and Bush Sr. are such good "buddies" now; they say they always have been. Funny, I thought they were political foes. I am not a star wars fan, but I heard how people are comparing the evil empire in the movie to America.
I agree that truth shall be revealed as needed; I'm just feeling impatient because I so desire for Jesus to come back. Some days I feel like we are so evil, with so many parents killing their children, and EVERYTHING else, I wonder how much longer He can stand us. I know how patient He is, and that there are many more things that have to come to pass, but I pray that He would speed things up.
I first thought GW was the antichrist when I heard him say that he was "God ordained to take us to Armageddon". Nobody else that I talk to, when I'm feeling comfortable to speak of it, seems to take much note. That is so discouraging, but it makes me extra thankful for these sites. If I'm crazy, then so are you!! Do you think hearts and minds have been hardened already and they will never be able to see it? I work in a church (and regularly attend services at my church)and I am amazed at the support for GW. It's like he can do no wrong when he has done nothing right. My pastor even had Bush signs all over his yard at election time. I cannot get past this; and I think about changing churches because of this. Would you?
Feeling like an island in Illinois-
Susanne, We long to have the Lord return, but it is going to be a rough time before that. What kind of Church do you belong to? I would remind you that the true church is the body of true believers. Can I ask that you do your posting on the most recent blog post? more people will see it that way and it is more likely I will find it.
the mark will come in the form of the new national identity card. the second step will come as the digital angel. this implanted microchips can help track anyone from space gps. it will all sound good in the beginning, being able to track protecting children and pets from obduction. they will contain all personal information social security #, blood type medical history, eventually account#. there will be the advantage of shopping with such technology, being there will be no money to steal, even though personal identity theft will continue. in actuallity the national identity card will be a personel tracking device, as well as advancements in the newer forms of the digital angel. but be sure there will be no 666 #'s stamped on the hand or forehead. only computer chips implanted. to prove one is not a terrorist or an illegal you will require one to buy, sell, or trade in the new secular order. so become self sufficient and learn to do for the self, or you will be forced to face the the reality of the mark of the beast.
Hi, I'm Lauren. I'm 15 years old. and I totally agree with you.
But it's thought that the antichrist is to be European born.
No one is for sure.
But you know, Obama sure is looking shady right about now.
The one government thing is taking place right now. And I have NO doubt that my generation will be here for the revealing of the antichrist. We ARE Generation X.
If Obama isn't the antichrist I'm willing to bet that he'll befriend the antichrist and fall to his power.
Thanks :)
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