
just around the corner. Even if they were Gods chosen people, it still did not exempt them.
This is not meant to neglect Gods mercy, for “His mercy endures forever” to the repentant heart.
The judgments of the Lord are to the true believer, correction and growth, but to the stiff
necked and proud they are destruction. Rm.5: 3: “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4: And patience, experience; and experience, hope:”
Unfortunately the “church” has been completely assimilated into the world. When one talks to a
professed believer about the supernatural God, they look at you like you are nuts.
Lk:18:8. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? “Well yeah
we know that Jesus spoke of the Gospel of the Kingdom, but you don’t really believe all that?”
We should feel like “a stranger in a strange land.”, but instead we are not only right at home in the world, but we cling to it. When one sees that America has been hijacked, we are just thinking about how we can elect someone better. This is just how the Jews thought when Jesus came the first time.
They had been oppressed by outside rulers. They wanted their country back. Acts:1:6: “When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” In General along with the heathen, the church the body of Christ has accepted the standards and values of the world. We have become dependant on the world and they tell us how to live. Jesus said “Ye are in the world” He didn’t say the world should be in the church.
Most Christians follow Christ for selfish reasons. They are only taught about being “born again” being saved from damnation. As spiritual babies wanting only to hear about all the blessings they will receive, never wanting to know what the will of God is for themselves as individuals let alone a vision for the Body of Christ as a whole. Then we have these false prophets/televangelists with their lust for money and power, teaching for their selfish reasons, to “give and it shall be given unto you”. Not only does this make them richer and strip the poor, but it motivates people to give in order to get. That is NOT what the Lord intended. Anyone that does not speak as though God only wants to cater to our desires becomes unpopular, and a voice that most of the religious Babylon wants to put away. This was also the attitude of the children of Israel to the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah. Nevertheless, their words were true no matter how unpopular. It is time for the voice of the prophet to be heard again in the church.
We are living in a time unlike any other in history, although I believe history speaks to us for today. God is speaking by His spirit and you don’t have to be a Christian to hear it or see the “Hand writing on the wall” (as in the previous article). But if you don’t know Gods plan or know Whom you have believed, you won’t understand what is going on or what it all means. When you see the shaking fear and panic will strike the hearts of men.
At this point, I think it would be important to briefly discuss some differences in beliefs concerning “End Time” teachings like the “Rapture” in light of the scripture. This is not just for the sake of a theological argument, but it has vital bearing on the direction the Body of Christ should take. The Bible teaches that as the end of the age draws near, there is coming a time of great tribulation upon the earth. It tells us it is coming as “Travail upon a woman with child” (1 Thes. 5:3).
The pains start out mild and are far apart but soon get closer and closer together and become more and more intense. People say “Oh we have always had these things” or “No man will know the time” These are not watching and listening. They really don’t want there savior to return. The Apostle Paul told us, 1Thes:5: 4: “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.5: Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.6: Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” So if we are watching, there is no reason that the “Day of the Lord” should come upon us by surprise. The reason that this will come as a surprise to the world is because they are not looking at the signs of the times, nor do they really believe the scripture. They turn away from the “Hand writing on the wall” and assume that man who is his own god can work out all his own problems.
This is reminiscent of the days of Noah. People were carrying on eating and drinking and driving their gas sucking SUVs ; making merry constantly looking to be entertained and acting like nothing is wrong. Mt:24:38. They don’t want to look or listen. The must blot out every thought with entertainment and Ipods, because we all know deep inside that something is very wrong. When you look around us at the Evil of this government, and its corruption, the economic situation that is favoring the very few, corporate GREED, social injustice, the world tensions with wars and rumors of wars, and all with a me first attitude. Then we are faced with things like peak oil, global warming, famine, possible pandemics and natural catastrophes; they all tell us something very different is happening. Another thing that was going on in the days of Noah which is ultimately why God flooded the earth was that the Nephilim were very active. This is again the case but I will go more into that in another post. The idea that we will be raptured out of any trouble is not consistent with the Bible. The purpose God has for the tribulation is to destroy the tares (wicked) and perfect the wheat by burning off the chaff. In Matthew 13:30 which speaks of the parable of the wheat and tares, it is important to note that it is the tares that are taken first and bound in bundles to burn. In vs. 41 it says “The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;” also in Mt.24:37. “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be….40: Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” In the days of Noah, it was the wicked that were taken. Now if we look in Revelation chapters 8 through 11 we see there are seven trumpets. The first six are tribulation and the seventh says “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Ephesians 5:27 tells us that He is coming for a “glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing” and Acts 3:21 declares that the heavens must withhold Him until the times of the restitution of all things. Prov.10:30.” The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.”
It would be very foolish to have our faith built on the false hopes of a rapture and stay a spiritual baby believing that all God has in mind is to save you from damnation. Well meaning Christians, politicians, and business men are trying to preserve the status quo, and put there trust in the Constitution and founding fathers. They are deceived into thinking that capitalism is Gods way, and don’t even recognize we don’t now nor did we ever really have a democracy. Few realize that we as Christians are not called to just help society get better, but we are to be ambassadors of another Kingdom. Our founding fathers are not Franklin, Washington and Jefferson, but the Apostles and Prophets. 1Cor:3:11: “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Our Constitution is the Word of God. The Lord did not come to restore some earthly kingdom but to set up His Kingdom. Hallelujah! No one likes change but change must come. It would be better to look at some of the things we should be doing instead of hoping it all blows over.
What shall we then do? The time is at hand and the spirit is speaking. In Rev. 18:4 it says “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” We need to become less and less dependant on the world and its systems for our needs. We must see that Satan is the god of this age. He would ensnare with all the desires and cares of this world. Search our hearts for the simplicity of faith and love. God is our provider and he wants us to be dependant on Him and each other as he knits His body together. Mt:6:33: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
So as we see shaking and trouble come, let it be an opportunity to trust in the Lord and let it be as a refiner’s fire. It is the birth pangs that are bring about the Kingdom both in us and through us.
We are to become a body, and tribulation will cause you to either harden your heart or become more dependant on the Lord and his body. Hag:2: 6: “For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; 7: And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.” The house He speaks of is the only house He has ever been interested in; His body.
The early church walked in supernatural power which has been dead in the church for the last two thousand years (two days) But He arose on the third day. Jn:14:12: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Jesus commissioned us to preach the gospel of the Kingdom, not just some watered down version of salvation. Mt:24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Hag:2:9: “The glory of this latter house (end time church) shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.”
Isa:60: 1: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
2: For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 3: And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. 4: Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. 5: Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done oh Lord.
Great post. With all of the turmoil building, few Christians have kept sight of the fact that these are just birth pangs that were prophesied to come before the Day of the Reign of Christ. This time is not about the devil, but His Kingdom finally coming to earth, that which we all as Christians have been praying for. Some of the modern day money changers don't want this day to come, because they are having a grand time riding the beast (government), fleecing the flock, and enjoying Babylon. But Our Father is soon going to be stretching out His hand, and gathering the brides who have kept oil in their lamps.
Love the picture, PeterZ...I'd like to give a big "AMEN" to several points made in this post. glad to have this blog to visit. Praise the Lord for his gifts of insight, and wisdom, his wellspring of hope, his mercy, love and grace. Thank God as well for the fellowship of the saints. Thank God that we can find reward beyond this present suffering!! as Christ taught us to pray, "Deliver us from Evil!!"
these are some emails I received.
Anonymous wrote:
The fact that the American Christians don't 'get it' is all part of the Master plan. That strong veil of delusion. I think 'W' knows how evil he is. Peter said he does not
think so, but that he (Bush) really believes that he is doing
God's work by creating Armageddon conditions to bring Jesus back to earth and that this is a good thing (according to Bush). I believe that 'W' does know how evil he is and WHO he is but he cannot let people know yet that he knows.
Then PS replied:
I believe with you that the question is very important,
stimulating and that your conclusions are based upon a very accurate discernment of the Holy Spirit. ~ "W" must certainly have a pretty good idea of his mission now. I don't believe that he sees his wickedness in the same way we do but that he knows he is not what he represents himself to be to this world. There is no doubt that the one who possesses the body of the President of the United States right now knows
TOTALLY who Jesus is, and that he KNOWS that he has but a brief time to complete his work. The Bible says He KNOWS his time is limited.
The Bible also says that ALL the devils who possess men know WHO Jesus is and they FEAR Him. ~~~ That is where so many think we simply "hate" BUSH the man. ~~~ I ALWAYS recognized JESUS from the beginning by His word and the TRUTH He demonstrated & Spoke. ~~~ I did not recognize JESUS
and obey Him because some one said this is GOD and you better do what he said. I have ALWAYS hated to hear people speak of obeying ANY
authority just because they have some badge of authority. To
me, what you are saying gets to the very HEART of the matter in ALL of this present world wide scenario. In the military I remember some young
recruit saying "When an officer tells you what to do buddy you DO IT" and Sunday school teachers telling us "Adam & Eve were punished "because they disobeyed GOD". Excuse me???? NO I obey and hear because it is the
TRUTH. They completely avoid a little responsibility called
UNDERSTANDING without which they are blind and useless. They have
forgotten that they were purged of their sins, they cannot see afar off (2nd Peter 1;9) I obey and love Jesus because he loved me enough to REVEAL Himself to me through His word and his work. You could not have recognized the TRUTH had the truth not already been in you. You knew when you learned of JESUS that he resonated what was within you. You are
of the DAY. I do not believe JESUS just because HE said it. If so I
might believe George Bush because HE is our Commander in Chief, He
represents AUTHORITY. ~~ I very much believe that the sin
of Adam & Eve was because they ate of the tree of the "Knowledge of Good and Evil" ~~~ The entire issue of Salvation gets back to what the RESULTS of THAT were and WHAT the RESULTS of EATING the BODY of Christ Jesus is. What the RESULTS of drinking His blood. What the RESULTS are of believing on JESUS. Even the devils BELIEVE fear, tremble and OBEY
Jesus because of His AUTHORITY. But Jesus said "I desire mercy & not sacrifice" ~~ We do it because We LOVE the TRUTH and the Truth is within us. The TRUTH is NOT in the devils. Devils OBEY a military command to kill. Theirs is not to question why. Theirs is to do or die. OURS is to LOVE or Die. What is taught in institutions is the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil. They cannot TEACH Love. Love is DEMONSTRATED. It does not fit into a neat little box like the knowledge of good and evil does because it is actually of more dimensions than even 3. You CANNOT learn of LOVE via a TV set or Computer. But you CAN learn the knowledge of Good & Evil
over a TV or Computer. Good & evil is by definition 2 dimensions. You
cannot convince others of the TRUTH over a blog site. To fence with others in chat rooms & blog sites is akin to explaining a 3rd Dimension to those living in FLAT LAND. As soon as you attempt to convey the truth in Flat Land it becomes itself just more FLAT stuff. You & PeterZ
& I can actually hear one another because we already know of & live in a multidimensional world.
~~~ Peyote Sky
My response:
It is difficult to express just how well said I think what you wrote is. It is excellent.
A point of clarification...
When I said to Anonymous that I didn't think that Bush knew how evil he is, I do not believe they do evil because they think it is evil. They are psychopaths and they are reprobate. Their consciences are seared as of with
a hot iron. They may enjoy torture and evil, but they do not think of it as evil. In other words I think Bush actually thinks he is Gods chosen to "bring it on". Of course he knows he is
a liar and cheat and a murderer, but he has justified that in his mind by believing that the end justifies the means.
Of course, Bush could also just be the greatest, most dangerous and powerful fool the world has ever known. For instance, his unknowing insulting of a blind reporter at a press conference today...that says to me that this man just does not have the cognative capacity to lead...and yet here he is, six years into rulership of the most deadly war-machine that the world has ever known. Be afraid, world. be very afraid.
And by the way, I have a new post in my blog which outlines the unholy spirit of Satan's trinity (otherwise known as the world)
I thought you might find some of these scriptures interesting
Some descriptive names in the bible about Satan
The provoker
The slanderer
"And through Peace he shall destroy many" (freedomes on the march)
He shall come in my name (jesus about the man of sin)matt
For many shall come in my name saying I am he (the chosen) DO NOT FOLLOW THEM! was the warning from Jesus in matt
Israel will be offered land in babylon, this is described as Israels deal with hell -Isaiah
The prince over the power of the air
Buffets (strike with force)
Satan took Jesus to the mountian and told him , I will give you power over all of the nations of the earth if you will bow to me just once, Jesus said no.
In Psalms calls polititians lying snakes lying from thier very first words, It starts out almost like a play on fox news fair and balanced news, Oh you high and mighty polititians which one of you is Fair? Not a one, giving favors in exchange for bribes, he allows the craft to prosper lying snakes , and through peace he shall detroy many.
The white horse of apocolyps bent on conquest.
Given a mighty sword.a pretend do gooder who rides out to start the whole thing
The red horse sent to take peace from the face of the earth. also given a mighty sword , Ironically the national guard in Iraq calls themselves THE RED HORSE. That has been thier name for a long time, look up on web search - red horse national guard. Also EXXON mobil uses the greek red winged horse pegasas, they are controling the Iraq oil.
The balck horse (famine) a days wage for a peck of wheat, prices are riding and jobs are being outsourced its happening now.insurance prices are getting out of control gas prices ect....
Jesus was the truth, Satan is called "the father of all lies"
OK here is the kicker. God said he would rise up the spirit of the first great king of greece also called the "he goat from the west see daniel). Alexander the great was a closet homosexual, he was an alcoholic at the time of is death he was the king of tyre, the king of babylon (he like bush owned it and had taken it by force), and the king of greece - he goat. He shall fly north south east and west over babylon but his feet will never touch the ground (first gulf war). It is explained this is not to happen until the time of the end.
Alexander was said to recognise himself in the scripture when it was shown to him, but he made an interesting comment, this cannot be me, I cannot fly. He knew this was not in his time.
The gog magog war actually does not happen until after the thousand years of peace as told after the total destruction of the MYSTERY BABYLON (America) is destroyed.
Modern day babylon is not a major importer exporter and sea port as the mystery babylon described in revelation is, this place is so hated that the world cheers when it is destroyed, can you think os a nation that is more hated right now than US? it is so despised that even the angels cheer when it is destyoyed.
Aaron Russo's the producer/director of Trading Places and The Rose has made a new film, America Freedom to Fascism scheduled to be released across the country July 28.
Watch the trailer
Then watch the interview
Movie home page
This has the potential to change America.
If you don't take the time to watch these films then you will deserve what is coming.
We can not survive by pretending it will all blow over.
We can not survive by pretending that this is not happening.
There was an interesting interview on a show called INN World Report on Wed. June 14th with Lenny Charles and a man that claimed that the U.S., as of just last week, is completely in position to attack Iran by securing three borders. He noted that there is presently a nationwide disaster drill taking place in the U.S. from June 10-19, and a chance that on the last day, Monday the 19th, the drill could become 'live' and another 911 staged terrorist attack would give the provacation need to start the Iran War AND invoke a police state in the U.S.
Anyone interested and want to see for themselves you can go to their website at http://innworldreport.net.
Never a dull moment.....
Perhaps this is the next step:
"Second 9/11": Cheney's "Contingency Plan"
While the "threat" of Iran's alleged WMD is slated for debate at the UN Security Council, Vice President Dick Cheney is reported to have instructed USSTRATCOM to draw up a contingency plan "to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States". This "contingency plan" to attack Iran uses the pretext of a "Second 9/11" which has not yet happened, to prepare for a major military operation against Iran.
The contingency plan, which is characterized by a military build up in anticipation of possible aerial strikes against Iran, is in a "state of readiness".
What is diabolical is that the justification to wage war on Iran rests on Iran's involvement in a terrorist attack on America, which has not yet occurred:
The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections. (Philip Giraldi, Attack on Iran: Pre-emptive Nuclear War , The American Conservative, 2 August 2005)
Are we to understand that US military planners are waiting in limbo for a Second 9/11, to launch a military operation directed against Iran, which is currently in a "state of readiness"?
Cheney's proposed "contingency plan" does not focus on preventing a Second 9/11. The Cheney plan is predicated on the presumption that Iran would be behind a Second 9/11 and that punitive bombings would immediately be activated, prior to the conduct of an investigation, much in the same way as the attacks on Afghanistan in October 2001, allegedly in retribution for the role of the Taliban government in support of the 9/11 terrorists. It is worth noting that the bombing and invasion of Afghanistan had been planned well in advance of 9/11. As Michael Keefer points out in an incisive review article:
"At a deeper level, it implies that “9/11-type terrorist attacks” are recognized in Cheney’s office and the Pentagon as appropriate means of legitimizing wars of aggression against any country selected for that treatment by the regime and its corporate propaganda-amplification system....(Keefer, February 2006 )
Keefer concludes that "an attack on Iran, which would presumably involve the use of significant numbers of extremely ‘dirty’ earth-penetrating nuclear bombs, might well be made to follow a dirty-bomb attack on the United States, which would be represented in the media as having been carried out by Iranian agents" (Keefer, February 2006 )
Thanks for sharing this information and getting the word out. We need to be extremely vigilant in watching and keeping each other connected in these crazy times with these madmen we have in our government while never forgetting Jesus is the one who is in control - NOW AND FOREVER. Their rule is temporary.
Pray for strength, guidance and wisdom.
In response to an earlier anonymous comment discussing the nature of Satan, I have recently posted on my blog an article which is basically a character profile of the devil (second post down). I believe that analyzing the birth of sin is important, as we grow closer to when we shall witness the death of sin.
This spiritual war is real, and we are in the middle of a battlefield. It is imperative that we know our real enemy, and that is Satan.
The news is reporting today that Bush has reconsidered the inhumane treatment of detainees at Gitmo and now wants them to have rights under the Geneva Convention.
Is this some sort of stall tactic to not close the facility or a ploy to cover up his illegal torture of the detainees since the Supreme Court told him he does not have a blank check to do whatever he wants?
Isn't this an admission of guilt that he sanctioned their torture and thus should be tried for war crimes?
One can dream.
Forever Faithful
Anyone wonder why this gathering of world leaders is called the G8?
I know they will tell you that it stands for the Global leaders of 8 nations. But more than 8 leaders are there.
Here is the truth. the number 8 is the number for new beginnings, as in "New World Order" and the "G" ahhh lets see where have we seen that before?
The Blue Lodge Mason is taught that the "G" in the Masonic symbol represents God. Later on, he is told that it also represents "deity." Later still, he is told that it represents "geometry." In reality, this letter represents the "generative principle," the Sun-god and, thus, the worshipped phallus, the male "generative principle…" In its position (along with the Square and Compass) on the east wall over the chair (throne) of the Worshipful Master, it is the representation of the Sun, thus of the Sun-god, Osiris. Its earthly meaning, then, is of the sacred phallus; its cosmic meaning is of the Sun, worshipped since antiquity by pagans while facing the East.
I think I finally figured out what Bush is upto.
Read this article
I have ALWAYS wondered about that 'G' in the G8. Aren't they utterly riduculous? If it wasn't so serious, it would be.
Thanks for the information again, PeterZ.
Good article; thanks for sharing.
These horrible days we are witnessing will be the good ol' days someday. How depressing is that?! At least we have our faith and that is the ONLY thing worth clinging to.
Forever faithful.
Just found your site and blog. I have to say there are alot of things I agree with you on, but George W. Bush being the Anti-Christ not one of them. I am what you would call a "home school" christian. (If I even want to associate myself with the Pat Robertson's of the world). Our family does not go to church, I do not want my young 8 yearl old son being filled with "church doctrine". We are very spiritual and have a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ. I am also a film maker living in Los Angeles with several upcoming "horror-thriller" films with spiritual-faith based themes that I have developed. I have three other films currently released...so I'm not a struggling artist. (I will keep these without name, as I am not here to promote anything) With that said, I believe we are living in a time where people are hungry for information, for thought, and are beginning to question their faith and government. God is calling upon us to stoke this fire. I believe "faith" comes from questions, not answers. We need to question our leaders, our churchs, and our selfs. What you are doing is wonderful. If it stirs up emotion, then it will later plant a seed of doubt in the minds of what I call the "lazy follower". There are a few things that you have written, that I might think border crazy, but if this is your conviction and you feel God is speaking, go for it. People need to realize that not everything is going to speak to everyone directly. The body of Chris is just that...A body. Hands, feet, eyes, mouth, etc. We cannot all be the same. God gave us gifts, we all don't have the same one. Some people are more passionate about helping the homeless, others are directed towards the children, etc. This is what you are called for, the passion in your writings, the gift of communicating.
I felt compelled to write in this blog and give my two cents. The end of the world is not "my" concern or conviction. I believe my current calling is the state of our "current" spirtual well being. Until the "end' comes, we need to live in the world. The souls are calling for help, people are suffering with many emotional problems today. We need to heed that call as well. Sometimes when we remain silent for the moment, we can hear God talking. I pray for people to listen to God, to listen to the spirit of others crying for help. Give them a moment. Understand that. Love them.
In Christ.
I thought about what you posted for a long time and agree that everyone has a special gift and everyone brings something new with them. I am glad you posted here.
I don't mean to put you on the spot but rather ask you to ask yourself one question:
What IF George W. Bush IS the antichrist?
I asked someone else this question and their reply was 'maybe if he still holds the presidential office in 2008' (doesn't vacate the oval office as scheduled for whatever reason: war, martial law, etc.), then maybe they would rethink their answer. I replied 'what if you don't have until 2008 to make up your mind?'
Even if you cannot 'see' it right now, please keep an open mind and heart to the possibility. You have to admit, he is an excellent candidate if you know the Bible if even in only a small way. There is after all, no disputing he is the ruler of the world's last empire. Until the time comes that there will be no disputing it, let his actions speak for themselves.
One more question if I may? How can even just the possibility not affect yours and everyone's current spiritual well being?
We can agree to disagree and talk openly about our beliefs with no prejudices whatsoever.
Faith in God and God only always.
Forever Faithful
Personally, I assumed the "G" in "G8" was "Global"
I think it's an interesting coincidence that the london bombings of July of '05 happened the weekend of a G8 summet in Scotland.
speaking of Illuminati,
The $1 bill as we know it was first printed under the rule of FDR, our 32nd president. On the back of this bill is the "great seal" of freemasonry and the New World Order agenda. It was created as a part of Roosevelt's so-called "New Deal"
FDR was a freemason, as well as a shriner. And don't forget that he also presided over america during the development of the world's most terrifying weapon, the Atomic bomb. Roosevelt, as history shows, knowingly allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked in order to draw America into WW2.
32 plus eleven leads us to president Bush. In Daniel 7, there is an account of a "little horn" which is commonly understood to be Antichrist. This "little horn" is the eleventh king to arise out of the empire kingdom which will rise up in the last days.
The great seal on the $1 bill is a talisman announcing the arrival of the new world order. If you'd like to read more, please check out this site.
Where did everybody go?
Forever Faithful is still here!
I come here and read this site everyday and have noticed less comments but I'm not sure why. I think this is the best site on the internet.
Let's start fresh with a new conversation.
New topic: is Israel 'defending itself' or trying to start WWIII to entice Jesus to return so they can be raptured out?
Most people say it is a good thing that Israel is allowed to defend herself and the US has to side with Israel in order to stay with God's protection. This is what the evangelical christians in america think. What do you think?
Forever Faithful
It is very ironic that many evangelical Christians in America are blind to the atrocities committed by the Israeli military in Lebanon. True Christianity is about being the light of the world. Instead, these so-called Christians are part of the darkness. In the Old Testament God punished Israel when they turned away from his commandments as they are doing right now. Therefore, God will not give Israel preferencial treatment.
As far as the 'rapture' is concerned it is a great deception as Peterz and Hanchett explained in great detail. If in the unlikely event the rapture does occur it's not heaven where these self-righteous 'christians' will find themselves.
I apologize if I seem judgemental. I figured this would be a good place to vent.
God bless,
I would love to have more dialog with the movie guy above. Let us hear more from you.
I have to recommend the movie "V for Vendetta" I think it is one of the most powerful important films ever made.
Just out on DVD this week.
I see no judgment on your part. Only truth. It was very well said also.
The first deception by the extreme right in this country was easier to spot than this new deception. It hits hard in main stream Christianity as they believe we must support Israel or receive condemnation. We so easily just disregard His most simple message of loving our neighbors and use violence to justify it. How cracked is that?
It is good to have another light of the world here; can never have too much of a good thing!
Forever Faithful
Bush is on vacation while the world burns. Does anybody else get nervous when he goes on vacation? Bad things seem to happen after he has been on vacation....bad things seem to happen wherever he is come to think of it.
I heard on the news today that we are still in denial about a civil war in Iraq. Our administration has said that if Iraq breaks into a civil war that our troops would be pulled out and not left in the crosshairs. Maybe this is why they refuse to acknowledge a civil war. So they send 4,000 more of our troops over there.
Many soldiers who thought they were coming home are now forced to stay. I cannot imagine what a morale buster that must be. They face brutal temperatures everyday (115-118 degrees) and I would like to request that everyone say a special prayer for them and keep them in your hearts. Many are just boys whose lives have barely began and are already destroyed.
I believe the atrocities we hear about are coming from these young boys who can see no way out of this horrible situation and are doing whatever they can to get out. Even if that means sitting in a jail cell for years to come it is better than the hell they are living on the battlefield. May God's peace surround them from our prayers.
Forever Faithful
Is anybody out there?
Has anyone heard about this new national ID card and if so, does anyone know if it will be required to purchase goods. I have heard that we will be required to have it on our persons at all times and that it will extend from Canada through Mexico.
Interesting times we live in for those who are paying attention and they are definitely not for the faint of heart!
Forever Faithful
Depleted uranium was used in Lebanon by the IDF supplied by the US. Has anyone seen the devastation this causes....heartbreaking beyond mere words. Human beings and environment never recover. The behavior described in the Bible as actions of the antichrist.
bush wants to have the geneva conventions war crimes rewritten as it now stands to prosecute it as a felony. Wonder why he has to get that accomplished?! Any bets on whether he gets it done?
bush is also very quietly starting a new attack against social security, medicare and medicaid. Could this be what ushers in the new national id card?
Has anyone seen or heard about the PR campaign bush is going to be waging in wake of the anniversary of Katrina with a man who lost his house in new orleans and tells bush that he wishes he could have a third term?
I am betting this is not the sentiment of most victims of Katrina....what a joke; like everything this demon does.
my friend
blessings be to you for your unblemished faith of the one and only one. For your faith has lead you to the truth.
Seek and you shall find it is written.
Soon you shalt know who i am also, and i will remember you.
Just checking in. Don't want to miss anything and waiting patiently!
Faithful Forever
Greetings my fellow servant of the Lord. I am just checking for the new blog....hint hint!
faithful forever
You should read Robert Weinlands book, "2008, Gods Final Witness" and you would understand that the anti-christ is not a person its people who turn away from christ and that christianity is a flawed religion that branched off of the catholic church and kept many of its pagan beliefs (sunday worship, communion, the Trinity, heaven/hell, easter/Christmas). Only two churches existed after Jesus came, the church of God which peter started in 31AD and the catholic church. So while Pat Robinson is way off in many of his preachings, so is the entire christian church.
The term Antichrist can take many different applications, yes it certainly is a people, that have turned there back on God, Christ is God making Himself man, Antichrist is man making himself god. But I also believe there will be this spirit of antichrist embodied in one man , a world leader. 2Thes:2:3: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Anonymous, what are you saying the real church is?
well there is one piece of evidence u refuse to go into. The antichrist is supposed to be very popular with the people, and the people are supposed to be focking to him. This dosen't happen to Mr.President, he has a 36% approvel rating. Also the antichrist is supposed to be a very good speaker, and lets face it Mr.President isn't the best of speakers. The antichrist description of, a very good speaker, everyone loves him(as if in a trance), and every one flockes to him, sounds to me like a man who is currently running for president a Barack Hussain Obama.
Unfortunately what you claim to be the antichrists needed attributes are no where in the Bible. Perhaps you have the Bible confused with Tim La Hay's "Left Behind" books. The Bible does say that with flatteries he would seduce many. Do you remember how popular Bush was after 911? And the Antichrist is more than just a man, it is the whole system that has seduced mankind. It is the love of money expressed through capitalism.
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