
Signs of the Heavens
Many ask about those that may never have had the opportunity to hear the gospel. What about them? Can they be saved? What about those that are born into other religions, and are “good people”. You mean they must become Christians to be saved? How dare you say that Jesus is the only way.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I will endeavor to try to clear up some of those questions.
First let me say I did not say Jesus is the only way, Jesus did. John:14:6: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Now He is either crazy, or a liar, or he is just telling us the truth. It would save us all a lot of trouble if we would just believe Him. I know it is not that easy so let us start with the native that lives on the third planet from the sun, on a tiny imaginary island in the middle of the jungle. He has never even seen a missionary trying to steal his gold in exchange for the gospel. How can he have heard of Jesus and know of the crucifixion? The Bible says Acts: 4:12: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (the name Jesus) No where in the Bible does it say you must know that name, it says there is no other. Let us remember who the Bible teaches that Jesus is. He is the Almighty all Powerful, Omnipotent God become man. In order for any man any where any time to know God, he must seek. If you do not seek you do not find. So let us say this native man is seeking God, how can he find him and be saved?
Ps: 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.” Rom: 1:20: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”
What this is saying is that we can learn a great deal about God by His creation, “even his eternal power and Godhead” As we look around we ask where did it all come from? What is the purpose? We can see that this creator or “source” has order. There is order in the universe. The Sun rises and sets, the seasons work on schedule, everything seems to be in balance. The rains water the earth and new replaces the old. So we can know that he is a God of order. We can also know that “It” has intelligence, because I have intelligence. The cause would have to be greater than the effect. My source would have to have at least the intelligence that I have. We can also see that “It” would have a personality, again because I have one. As we look around at civilizations, and we interact with others, we see there is a standard of right and wrong, that is beyond self. Every civilization and society knows there is a standard. All know that lying and stealing and cheating are not good qualities. We may have disagreed on some points like how many wives you can have but all know you can’t just have whomever you want. All know that selfishness is not a good quality. Now is the tricky part. Universally man knows that there is a standard, and if he is honest, he must acknowledge in his heart that he is not living by that standard he himself knows to be right. At that point, he can either harden his heart and justify his actions in his own mind, or he can humble himself and call on this “Being” that made that standard to have mercy on him. That I believe is a salvation experience. Nowhere are we told that we must know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but nevertheless it is because He did, that he can be saved whether he knows it or not. To know the story is an added blessing and is food for spiritual growth. To say that he must know the name of Jesus (and there is no other name) or the plan of salvation to be saved; is like saying that if a man is drowning and is passed out, that you can not rescue him because he doesn’t know who or how he is being rescued. Now we are just talking about basic salvation from damnation. I believe as a man surrenders to God, he puts his spirit in him, and he is born and saved. Remember I have said in other posts, we are not just called to be born.
Now let’s look at other religions of the world and the people that are steeped in their culture. It is very hard for a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu that have been raised in that, and they have families that have been that way, to ever turn against their traditions or against those whom they love. Most people of those faiths are no more involved with the actual religion than most so called Christians are. It is merely a heritage and tradition to them. They just want the same things in life everyone else wants. To be fed, clothed, sheltered, and provide for their families. The key here again is a seeking heart. If you do not seek you do not find. If you seek, God will find you, and the same thing happens as the native in the jungle. God looks upon the heart; His ways are not our ways. God is just. Remember I have said that there are many that know the doctrines but do not know God, (like the Pharisees) and many that do not know the doctrine but do know God. 2Cor:3:6: .. for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
Now you may ask what is the use of doctrine? It is meant for spiritual growth and understanding and to communicate His word. Deut:8:3: “that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.”
Man is finite and God infinite, we can never understand him except he reveals himself to us. All systems of religious works are man’s endeavor to somehow be worthy or deserve Gods favor. True Biblical Christianity teaches us that we can never deserve it. This leads us to the “good person” Mk: 10:18: “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.” Rom: 3:23: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Jn: 3:17: “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” Rom: 5:8: “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Most of what I have said here is mainly hypothetical. It is meant as an effort to give an answer to those so common questions. In some cases there are those that are not really seeking an answer. Their question is merely a road block. Have you ever asked your self, why are you, you, here and now? Why where you born into what ever family or country you are in?
It was God that chose it and placed you here and now. So there is no one on the face of this earth that has ever lived that God doesn’t know about. Mt: 10:30: “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” I have talked about predestination and free will in another post.
Let us continue with the theme of this post. In Psalm 19, and Romans 1 that I quoted above, the Bible is telling us God has made the creation as a picture of understanding spiritual truth. The Sun is a type of Jesus. He is the “light of the world “ it is the lifegiving source to every living thing on this planet. The Sun sets and rises again. We are the children of the day and not of the night. The Day Star. Mal:4:2: “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun (spelled S-U-N, this is evidence that it is a type of Jesus) of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;.” I am not saying that the sun is God, or even a manifestation of God, or divine in any way. The sun is merely part of His creation. I have said it is a TYPE of understanding spiritual truth. No man has seen God the Father for he is Spirit, but when we do see God what we see is the Son, because the Son is the expression of the Father. Jesus was that Burning bush. He was the Rock that followed the children of Israel through the wilderness. In the Gospel of John, chapter 1 it says that the "Word" was made flesh. The word that is translated for WORD is from the Greek word LOGOS. It means the intent or expression. Jesus is the eternal preexistent expression of the Father. The Sun is such a strong type and so powerful an image, that it has caused many a civilization to worship it as God. The Sun is finite, the Son Jesus is Infinite. True it is the giver of natural life to everything on this planet. BUT!!! Natural life is temporal. Jesus gives us eternal life. Water is also vital to life, nothing can live without it. Water is a type of the Holy Spirit, as is the Wind, but still ONLY the creation helping to lead us to the truth in the Eternal Spirit of God. I would like to add that the Sun is not only showing a type of the Son, but the Father and Holy Spirit also. We again see the idea of the Triune God. Think of it this way. The power that is the source of its energy is the Father. We don’t see the power; we see the brilliance of its fireball or the manifestation of that power. What we see is the Son. We are enabled to see it and feel its heat by its Rays, which is a TYPE of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit makes Him known unto us. The moon is a type of Satan. It has no light of it’s own but appears as though it has light. It is the ruler of darkness. Lunar is where we get the word Lunatic. The Stars are a type of the saints and angels. They are lights in a dark place. The stars also are telling us much more. Remember they are a type of the Angels and saints. Lights in a dark place. That means they have a message. In the verse in Romans, it says that even the invisible things of God may be known, In other words more than just the basics. Ps.19:1: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3: There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. (it has gone everywhere) 4: Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them (the heavens) hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5: Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man (like Hercules) to run a race. 6: His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. What King David is talking about here is the Gospel that is written in the stars. The Astroligical symbols are very ancient. They are even mentioned in the Book of Job, which is the oldest written book of the Bible. It was written before Genesis. Job:38:31: “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion 32: Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (the Twelve signs) in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?” There are no civializations that don’t know about them. They were never meant to be a fortune telling divination as we see used today. They are given as messengers of the Gospel and Gen.1: 14: says “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” I won’t go to far into intrepting them in this post, but I will just point out a few things. The Sphinx in Egypt is a Key as to where to begin and end the Astroligical wheel. The head of the Virgin and the body of the Lion. We begin with Virgo the Virgin, and end with Leo the Lion. The very first prophecy in the Bible having to do with the coming of the Massiah is he will be born of the seed of a woman Gen.3:15., and Isaiah 7:14 he tells us that the woman will be a virgin. Hence Virgo the virgin. She has in one hand a “Branch” Jesus was called the Branch of the stem of Jesse. The other hand she has a sheve of wheat. The star of the first magnitude in the sheve means “falling into the ground and dying” Associated with Virgo is the lesser constelation of Comah, which means “Desired of all nations” It is a Virgin women with a child in her lap. Leo the Lion is Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Twelve Tribes, twelve signs. We see Herculies the strong man doing battle with the surpent and his foot on Drago the dragon’s head. Now Astrologers tell us we are leaving the age of Pisces the fish. The Church is symbolized by the fish pictured as bound by Cetus the sea monster. We are leaving the Church age and entering the Age of Aquarius, the water barrer. He is pictured as pouring water out into the mouth of the fish. The water is signifacant of the spirit. The picture (above) is Jesus pouring the living water into the mouth of the Church. (if you click on the picture it will give you a larger picture)
The Trinity is also consistent with his entire creation. There is oneness and threeness in everything. We are a three part being, Body, Soul and Spirit. We are Flesh, Blood and Bone. All that we perceive is perceived in terms of Time, Space and Mass-Energy. In time there is Past, Present, and Future. In space there is Height, Width and Depth. In Mass-Energy there are Positive, negative and Neutral. You can never have one without the other two. God spoke all things into existence. He said “Let there be” and “All things are upheld by the word of His power”. If the Sun in the sky is of such brilliance and glory, and it is only the creation, imagine the brilliance of the Creator, “Who is blessed forever. Amen” and Amen. May God Bless us with the truth of Him.
Hallelujah!. Truly, The Heavens and all of Creation are Telling of the Glory of God.
Amen, Come Lord Jesus.
To WyteFyre. What are saying? If you are saying that the sun is God, or even a manifestation of God, or divine in any way, you are in ERROR. The sun is merely part of His creation. I have said it is a TYPE of understanding spiritual truth. No man has seen God the Father for he is Spirit, but when we do see God what we see is the Son, because the Son is the expression of the Father. Jesus was that Burning bush. He was the Rock that followed the children of Israel through the wilderness. In the Gospel of John, chapter 1 it says that the "Word" was made flesh. The word that is translated for WORD is from the Greek word LOGOS. It means the intent or expression. Jesus is the eternal preexistent expression of the Father. The Sun is such a strong type and so powerful an image, that it has caused many a civilization to worship it as God. The Sun is finite, the Son Jesus is Infinite. True it is the giver of natural life to everything on this planet. BUT!!! Natural life is temporal. Jesus gives us eternal life. Water is also vital to life, nothing can live without it, but you are not saying Water is God. Water can also be a type of the Holy Spirit, as is the Wind, but still ONLY the creation helping to lead us to the truth in the Eternal Spirit of God. Why I used the scripture in Malachi 4:2 using the spelling SUN was to make my case that it is a type of Jesus. I would like to add that it is not only showing a type of the Son, but the Father and Holy Spirit also. We again see the idea of the Triune God. Think of it this way. The power that is the source of its energy is the Father. We don’t see the power; we see the brilliance of its fireball or the manifestation of that power. What we see is the Son. We are enabled to see it and feel its heat by its Rays, which is a TYPE of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit makes Him known unto us. If the Sun in the sky is of such brilliance and glory, and it is only the creation, imagine the brilliance of the Creator, “Who is blessed forever. Amen” and Amen. May God Bless us with the truth of Him.
To Peace. No I do not believe that Astrology as we know it today is anything but a diversion and a DIVINATION. Those that follow those devises commit an abomination and open themselves up to false spirits. It would be very nice to say the stars are somehow responsible for our destiny, or they determine our personality. This leads us away from the truth of the Gospel and removes self responsibility. In my use of the signs of the Zodiac, my intention was to show that they are very ancient and they are not about individuals per say. They are set for signs and seasons. They are telling us of the Gospel of Christ, and of the times we are in. Mt: 16:3: O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the SIGNS of the TIMES? Yes there is much to learn about their message, but they are not determining our personalities in any way. When people say WOW that is just how I am, As Wytefyre said they are just broad generalizations that can apply to many people. Be not Deceived. Dreams and visions are another matter. These may or may not be from God, this is where discernment is important. Make sure they are consistent with the scripture. Walk humbly, give glory to God and as you grow you will discern more, and know the voice of the Shepherd.
To Wytefyre, Are you really seeking or do you want to argue? The history of the Astrological signs has always been a reference to the 12 MAJOR constellations. These twelve have a direct reference to the 12 tribes of Israel, as shown in their “Standards” (banners or flags) as they traveled through the wilderness. I am well aware of the fact that there are many other constellations. I even mentioned one in my post “Comah” All of the minor constellations are associated with the 12 major ones. The “Four Beasts” are not the elements. But the four Gospels, also there were four groups of three tribes as they traveled through the wilderness. Here is your ending quote “I don’t feel that one religious belief has all the answers. For example, I share many beliefs with Hindus (but not all of them).” Of course there is some truth in Hinduism, if there where not, it wouldn’t fool anyone. The devil is most dangerous when he comes as an angel of light and gives you half truths. You are opposing your self. And I am trying to be meek. 2Tm:2:25: “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;” You obviously know nothing about the history of Hinduism or the fruit it has brought to its people. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” Have you read my posts? How is it you do not understand? Do you think Jesus is a liar? Jn: 14:6: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Wytefyre. I do not clam to know all there is to know, nor do I claim to have all the answers. Nor do I desire to sit in judgment over anyone's heart. But!! Yes I am set in my perspectives. I know WHOM I have believed. Do not mistake my corrective tone as unloving. I am a teacher, and this is what God has called me to do. I am not challenged by your perspective, nor do I mean to insult. The scripture says "You can do nothing against the truth" That means if what I have is the truth, nothing can shake it. If it can be shaken, then I want to let go of it. Eph:4:14: "That we henceforth be no more CHILDREN, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" It is not me that is shaken or "challenged", but you. Your reaction is like that of a child that just got smacked on the hand. I am going take my ball and go home. Why did you come to this sight, was it for instruction? or a reaffirmation of the error's of your "path. If so, you came to the wrong place. Remember I have said before, Truth is true weather you believe it or not. If you are standing in front of a train and you don't know it is coming would it be love on my part to not tell you just because I don't want to offend you? I hope you will get over your offence and consider your heart. I do believe you are trying to seek the truth, but you are opposing yourself.
You did not answer what I asked. Who do you think Jesus is?
As far as the Astrological signs, what I have implied is that they were not mans invention, but came form God, as a witness of the Gospel in the stars. And yes they are for Signs and SEASONS and days and years.
Bush Chart
As you will read in this write-up astrology has much to do with the astrologer. Therefore, it is much like how many can read the bible but get various interpretations. If you take out the person's interpretation which isn't bad so maybe just add a little depth for instance to this: "George W. Bush is unconsciously motivated and controlled by a deep sense of responsibility to his family's history and place in the world, particularly with reference to his father. This is his driving force." and take into consideration who his father is (Satan) then enter your own with biblical knowledge of Bush and his chart will make some sense to you.
It has some interesting points to make on very interesting one is having to do with 13 of the Masons.
It talks of the fact that he may not finish his second term, as we know that is also what Hanchett has talked about in his relating Bush to the antichrist.
To Peace: I will just put in the dictionary definition.
as·tron·o·my (…-str¼n"…-m¶) n. Abbr. astron. The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
as·trol·o·gy (…-str¼l"…-j¶) n. Abbr. astrol. 1. The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.
I hope I didn't over react. I just become concerned when people seem to get side tracked. I know this subject can create a great deal of controversy. I know that the idea of some hidden esoteric truth is very tantalizing, but I believe we haven't even scratched the surface of the Bible yet, so we don't need to go to a source that has been mostly lost or distorted. My purpose for even mentioning the Astrological signs was to show what the Scripture was talking about when it says you can know even the invisible things of God through the creation. I believe that the signs originally came from God to speak to the ancients. I also think it is important for us to have a good solid foundation in Scripture before we begin to try to understand these other things. I want to repeat also that to use Astrology as we know it today as a fortune telling device or say it is why you are the way you are is error, and can be spiritually dangerous.
My understanding of moving to the new age is that we move from being positioned under one sign and movie into another. Each age lasts about two thousand years depending on the size of the constellation. Thus they do become "a sign of the times." The words to the song sound about right for the Kingdom age. I do think there is probably much more we can learn, except most of the original meanings and names of the stars has been lost. There are some good old books on the subject if you can find them or they are still in print. one is "Witness of the Stars" by Bullinger, another is "The Gospel in the Stars" by Seiss. Much of that material is very dated but still some good stuff.
The symbol for cancer is two 6's interfacing.
Interesting, another confirmation. George Bush was born on July 6. July is Cancer; symbol for Cancer is two interfacing 6's like 69 (on its side.) and the third 6 is the day he was born. 6
If any one that knew the symbols saw a 6 over top of the Cancer symbol, they would know it meant July 6th.
It reminds me of the mark on Damian’s head from the movie “The Omen”
If you remember, he grows up to be president. I think it is kind of incredible that so many movies end up being somewhat prophetic.
Cancer is ruled by the MOON. Amazing. And the moon is a type of Satan, it has no light of its own but it appears as though it has light.
Do you think all people born in july are evil ? And if so should we avoid them?
I think Wytefyre sees a train heading your way & is trying to warn you.
To the Anonymous two above. NO!!
I absolutely don't think that people born in July are evil, I have said over and over in these posts. That I do not believe the signs have anything to do with our personality. I pointed out the Cancer 666 thing because it seemed to be an amazing additional sign as to who George Bush is. In other words the signs may show us things, but not direct them. My belief that Bush is the Antichrist is not built on that, just another item of interest.
To the other anonymous above, Thank you for your concern, pray for me as I try to spread the truth. If you care to point out where I may be in error I would be greatful.
Peterz, could you explain something to me please? This may seem a little juvenile, but I wondered about the 12 tribes and the 144,000 that were marked by God. Does this mean that everyone who follows God gets this mark, or is this passage in the Bible strictly referring to the 144,000 Jews(?) ? What exactly is this mark and what does the Bible really tell us?
I am not sure if you mean the "Mark 666" You might try reading my post "the Mark of the Beast" I hope that will be helpful.
PeterZ, my husband, who rarely expresses his thoughts on spiritual belief got a lot out of reading the above commentary and asked me to let you know that yours was the most intelligently thought out and well written expression on the topic he's seen yet. He is a college grad with a bachelors of science degree, graduated at the top of his class. Wanted to let you know that so you can get some idea of the compliment, it is a very small indication of the idea, which should give you a better idea.
Thank you very much.
That is a great blessing to know. Thank you for your kind words.
I actually meant the seal-sorry. 144,000 had the seal of God on their...foreheads???
The seal of the servants of God are the opposite of the mark or seal of the Antichrist. It speaks of who's kingdom you are serving, either the kingdoms of this world, or the Kingdom of God. It is interesting to note that it does not mention there a seal or mark in the hand. I am preparing a post on this subject.
Have you heard of Saint Malachy? He predicted his own death to the day. He also wrote that he was given a vision about the last of the Popes.
He said that the next two Popes are the last ones and that the 111th the next pope to be will be somehow connected to the Olive or Olive tree which is a symbol of the Israelites in the Bible.
Peter Romanus (Peter the Roman) will be the last one and is said that he will destroy Rome.
Revelation chapter seventeen details the final judgment of the Mystical woman symbolically named Babylon the great. John the Apostle identifies the woman, “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits ...” and “And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:9, 18 NKJ) When John wrote this, there was only one city that reigned over the kings of the earth – ROME, which sits on seven hills.
With JPII's passing, and what time it is, I bet we will see things really start shaking up soon with this next Pope who will be followed even more by the media. I could not believe how many millions of people followed JPII to his tomb, incredible!
With Sharon going to Bush's ranch, things are getting interesting and pretty scary too. Now they're saying that a civil war could break out anytime or that the Palestinians will restart their war against the Jews sometime in June or July.
If war does break out and If the next to last Pope, (this next one coming) does't live long, then his replacement could be the one to call for peace between them and since he'll be from Rome, he could be the AC or the False Prophet.
Thanks Peterz. This seal, is it visual or a symbol? Does this only refer to the Jews or ALL of God's people? And why such a specific (small) number?
I do not believe it is a literal seal, and the number is a significant number havig to do with the body of true believers. Is it the kingdom of God that you serve, or the kingdom of this world? That is what the seal determines. Again I would suggest you read the post about the Mark Of the Beast.
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