
Whore of Medicine
In a previous post I warned you that as I explored the height, width and depth of the Whore Babylon, some would think me a loon. I also mentioned that my mother-in-law had just died of lung cancer. She was a heavy smoker for 40 years. I found it ironic that the same family fortune (Duke) that gave her the cancer in the first place from smoking was now making as much money or more on the effort to treat her.
What I am about to discuss here is the RELIGION of modern medicine. In this discussion I am not saying that we should not see doctors or use medicine, but I am saying that there is a better higher more excellent way. Many times the good can become the enemy of the best. Doctors are viewed by many people as though they were Gods or High Priests; having the power of life and death in their hands. They put all their faith in them and seem surprised when they make a mistake or don’t have a cure for everything. The fact is that much of what is done in medicine today is just guess work and experimentation.
With this in mind let us look back at the history and origin of “Medicine” and its “Symbol” I think we will discover that it is very much part of this “Great Whore”.
In the book of Genesis there is an account that few pay any attention to. The Bible tells us that giants (Nephilim) were in the earth in those days. How did they get here? Satan has known since the beginning that Gods plan for salvation would come through the seed of a woman, and knowing that with that salvation would come his own destruction; Satan has sought since then to corrupt and destroy mankind. In Gen.6: 1: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2: That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3: And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he ALSO is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5: And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Apparently these fallen angels where having offspring as a result of their union. This is another account of spirit and flesh having produced a child. Satan’s counterfeit of Jesus born of Spirit through Mary; God’s purpose to save mankind and Satan’s purpose to destroy it. In “The Book of Enoch” we see an interesting account of some of what happened as a result of these relations man had with the fallen angels. First let me discuss for a moment the “Book of Enoch” itself. I know some would say it is not the Bible, but it is referred to in the Bible and quoted. In fact many scholars believe that the account I just posted here from Genesis, Moses learned from the account in “The Book of Enoch”. Jude quotes directly from it Jude: 1:14: “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints” (Enoch 1:9). Notice that Jude was not talking about just any Enoch but the one that was “Seventh from Adam” and before the flood. This is what Jude is talking about in vs.6 “And the angels which kept not their first estate, (the spiritual realm) but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 7: Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh,” The strange flesh that this is referring to here in context was the men of Sodom were going after the Angels. This has nothing to do with homosexuality as some of the modern translations have mistakenly interpreted. The early church looked at this book along with the “Epistle of Barnabas” as Scripture. Some believe these writings survived by being carried on the Ark with Noah, and then latter having been in Joseph’s care they were in the coffin with him as he was taken out of Egypt. Now let us have a look at a passage in the book to see what happened. Chapter 7. vs.1 “And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells.” Here we see these falling angels teaching mankind how to use the things of the earth. In another place they teach them metallurgy. This may seem at first a good thing, but what in fact is happening is they are teaching man to be independent of God. This is the earliest form of Witchcraft and use of drugs and medicines. The “cutting of roots” and “acquainted with plants” was the making of potions for use in healing or casting spells and altering consciousness.
The first time we see the serpent on a pole is in Numbers 21. vs. 5: “And the people spoke against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loathes this light bread. 6: And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. 7: Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. 8: And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looks upon it, shall live. 9: And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.” This is a prophetic picture of Jesus’ on the cross. He is depicted as a serpent because He had become sin for us. The serpents that were biting the Israelites and causing death are a depiction of sin. Rom:6:23: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” We, like the Israelites are healed by looking upon the cross of Christ. Is this meant to be only spiritual healing? Mt:9:29: “Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.”
The next place in history we see the serpent on a pole is in the Greek city of Pergamos. In this city the main attraction was the Temple of Esculapius. The statue pictured above is from this temple. It was this temple that all the sick would attend to receive treatments and advice. It dates from 400- 390 B.C. Most would agree that this is where the modern symbols of medicine come from. I found it astounding that in the book of Revelation it is called “Satan’s seat” Rev.2: 12: “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; 13: I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”. So again, we see the true, and the counterfeit; Gods Serpent on a pole and Satan’s. Shouldn’t Gods be the more powerful and trustworthy?
In the New Testament when we see the word “Witchcraft” used it comes from the Greek word Pharmacia. This is where our word Pharmacy comes from. It is the use of drugs. What am I saying? Do I mean that we are not to use medicines? Well ultimately yes, we won’t need to. I believe Jesus is capable of healing our bodies as well as our souls. Do I think we are ready to walk in that yet? NO!!! I do believe that that day is at hand though. God is in the process of showing us the truth about modern medicine and causing us to have to rely on Him. Did Jesus heal for profit? When we wonder why the price of drugs is so high, we are told that they need to be in order to encourage more and better drugs. It is all about the profit motive, or the “Love of money.” Now we are beginning to see the true spirit behind the drug industry. The seed that was planted back with the “Nephilim” and the fallen angels is now grown into a tree, and we see the greedy fruit. I understand Michael Moore is doing a documentary on the subject. That promises to be very interesting. What ever happened to the idea of wanting to be of service to mankind? More and more people are unable to afford the medicines we have become so dependant on, and insurance rates are going through the roof. In fact the profit motive is an incentive not to cure but to keep people in need of their drugs. Look at the viral disease HIV; people that are infected need medications that cost several thousand dollars a month. You tell me, where is the incentive to cure that illness? Just keep the cash flowing. If you create a cure or a vaccine, the money stops. People today are more dependent on drugs than ever before and we have supposedly made great strides in medical science; Yet the prospects of a plague being unleashed upon mankind is more ominous than ever. In our spirit man seems to know that the time is at hand, almost everyone in places like NYC that are financially successful need to go to a therapist. Sales of antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs are in the multi billions. Was this the way God meant it to be? God gave us guide lines for physical and spiritual health. I read a great book on the subject years ago; about the Biblical guidelines for health I believe it is still available (“None of These Diseases”). The idea is that if we were living according to Gods design most of the health problems we have would not exist.
As this new day dawns and God pours out of his Spirit, the darkness will get darker and the light will get lighter. Rv:22:11. We have had a lot discussion on the Antichrist and the dark hoards he is unleashing. There will be much tribulation as the travail of the birth pangs get more intense, but to the true believer these thing will be as a refiners fire to perfect the saints. To the wicked it will burn them up. Rom:5:3: “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;” In the early church we saw a shadow of the spiritual power and healing Jesus spoke of when he said Jn:14:12: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” When Peter walked if just his shadow fell on someone they were healed. Acts:3:6: “Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” This is not the phony Pat Robertson fake stuff, but the real thing. We have not seen the “greater works” happen in the church yet, but it will in these last days. The scripture teaches that Hag:2:9: “The glory of this latter house ( the end time church) shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.” Amen and Amen Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
As I labor in the word to teach I do appreciate your comments.
Peace, they were real miracles. The literal blind saw with their eyes, and yes he did literally walk on water. He is the Lord God incarnate. With Him all things are possible. He has power over the material universe.
Peace.. Your points are well taken and absolutely correct. The importance of the spiritual and it's implications are utmost. I would however say that this earthly realm is also important. Yes there is spiritual meaning in all, but this dimension belongs to the Lord as well. In the Lords prayer, He prayed "Thy Kingdom come in Earth as it is in Heaven". That which now exists in the invisible dimension will be made manifest in this material realm. "The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever." Rev. 11:15. I believe that when Jesus walked on water, it was not just a magic trick, but a demonstration of his rule over the material universe. Are you saying you do not believe that He physically healed the sick? or that Lazarus was not really dead and raised from the dead? Job:19:26: "And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:" You and your mom will be raised up at the last day. "This mortal shall put on immortality"
Love In Christ
Peace... I totally agree with your observations about "Satan Claws"; the whole holiday is nothing but a pagan fest. It has nothing to do with Christ's birth. Jeanne was correct in part of her assumptions when talking about Constantine. He had corrupted the church and Christianity. Christmas is in fact one of his corruptions. First Jesus was probably born in October not in December. His birth was probably a fulfillment of the "Feast of Tabernacles". Jesus was 33 1/2 when he was crucified in fulfillment of scriptural prophecy in Daniel. March-April is not a half year away from the end of December. He had taken the pagan festival of the winter solaces and added Christ's birth to it. Easter is the pagan celebration of the rights of fertility of which the "bunny" is a common symbol. The name comes from the god Ishtar. Christmas brings out the best in kids, it teaches them to be materialistic, and to want more; to argue with their siblings; to cause their parents to go into debt, and lots more. Then there is the counterfeit god attributes. All knowing, Omni-present (everywhere in one night). What about the poor kids, where they bad? When I saw these things I had determined that I would not tell my kids about Santa, also considering that they would grow up and realize they had been led to believe a lie and when they found out that Santa was fake , they'd say "How about this Jesus guy, I can't see him either". Well I soon learned that it was futile to try to hide Santa from my kids. Every time we would go out some nice older lady would stop us and say " oh what cute little girls, what is Santa going to bring you?". Others would accuse me of depriving my children of fun and fantasy. Then the light went on, I decided to just tell them that he was a make believe person that people had fun playing with, kind of like Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse. That worked just fine. They had a great time with the pretence all the while knowing it was only make believe. In some ways I think they enjoyed it more. They felt they had something over the other kids that didn't know, and they were keeping a secret. I do think if a family wants to participate in this holiday it is ok as long as they do this with a good perspective, and use it as an opportunity to glorify Christ. But be aware, it is a temple built to a false god, and building up the corporation and polluting the Earth.
Peterz, you have a gift for teaching, it is a blessing that God has led you to this particular form of vocational worship (even though you may not be getting paid, you will be rewarded). I found hachett's website about seven months ago, and just last week stumbled onto this blog. I'm so thankfull that this community exists. Once I realised the truth about this country, I kind of went into a form of hybernatic shock internally, while on the outside realligning my priorities. I swallowed my pride and started going back to church, learned the importance of regularly attending, even though right wing psychos predominate the practice, God allows his spirit to flow where he pleases. An important thing to remember is that these sheep, these mindless follow-alongs are not ours to judge. They belong to God. While they are horrifyingly misguided, there are a great many of them who are well intentioned, and simply too weak-minded to question the pulpit. We are all currupt, and full of sin, and the secret allures of the religious right are blatant and well outlined by Mr. Hanchett and yourself. There is curruption in that camp, but there is also forgiveness. Only on That Day will we know how much of each there is. Praise God for you Peterz, and give us more on Babylon, please.
another one
Peterz, I've been reading your previous posts, catching up as it were, and you've addressed many questions that are a natural follow up to knowing what we know. Thank you for being diligent, and for posting still despite the criticism you're up against. You are being refined through your efforts, which I'm sure you're well aware of, and most of the criticism you've received seems like the whispered suggestiveness of a devil that's scared of the power we have. We see through his lies. We've recognized the most betraying trait of evil, and that is blatantly lying and portraying oneself and one's environment as being exactly the opposite of what it actually is. This is a compulsion that subjects of the Devil cannot avoid, which explains why Fox news heralds itself as being fair and balanced. It also explains Bush's choice of words in speeches. He claims to be ridding the world of "evil" when he is actually spreading it in the form of capitolism, idolotry, curruption, and most important: ther death of innocents.
Bush also says the word "Liberty" quite a bit which is right up there with "freedom", the term "safe for democracy", and so forth. The list of "Bushisms" is decent, and while he is bantering and cheerleading, he is relieving us of our liberty, robbing us of our freedom, "willfully endagering the stability of civilization" (a crime he's accused his victims of). doing everything he can to destroy democracy and the value system this country was founded on. I'm preaching to the choir, I realize, but I don't think either you or Stephen has hit on the exactness of the lies they speak. It's startling how verbose they can be in describing their enemies in such a way that they themselves are. Rumsfeld does it, Cheney too. Its almost as if they are confessing their evil deeds even as they do them. And isn't it in scripture that all men shall confess before the lord in the last times. It seems logical to assume that will happen at an appointed time, in a court room setting, with Christ as the judge who sits up in the high chair. But what if it's happening now. What if it's a compulsion? Because they get very descriptive about their enemies, on international T.V.
Recently I read about doubts Rumsfeld had regarding sending active duty troops to New Orleans to help with the relief effort. His reasoning was that he wasn't comfortable sending 19 year old kids trained to kill into an American city to establish peace.
How then could these same kids be trusted to go door to door in Iraq establishing the identity of believed insurgents. Bashing through doors and gates terrifying women, children, the elderly (making oh so many enemies). These kids are doing exactly that every day until their higher ups can think of a better idea.
This is America fornicating itself.
Oh, and I read your post about the 6000 year history, and how a 1000 years is like a day. Very good theory, I was reading 2Peter recently and came across an interesting passage. 1:19 We were with Jesus on the holy mountain. This makes us sure about the message the prophets gave. It is good for you to follow closely what they said as you would follow a light shining in a dark place, until the day begins and the morning star shines in your hearts. Why would Peter describe a darkened unenlightened surrounding if the rising of Christ spread healing light throughout the world? Your idea that Christ was in the tomb literally for two days and spiritully for two millenia is fascinating. Because our calling as christians thoughout history has been to pick up our cross, follow Christ, and put to death our fleshy selves. The body of Christ today consists of people who are daily putting to death their ego. While the church is focused on hording and rennovating, rallying and judging, basically all the things reserved for Christ when he returns. They see themselves as the triumphant king who is reigning over all with an iron fist. We are called to humility repeatedly.To love our neighbors, to judge not even ourselves,
to repentance, patience, the scripture is full of advice for the virgin waiting with an oil lamp. Basically don't screw around, don't fall asleep, fill your tank when it needs it, and be ready for him. What I'm suggesting is that we are called to be the pre-triumphant Christ. for while we are the body of Christ, and while we may experience something very much like pentecost in the very near future (symbolic of the ressurection), The triumphant King is a roll reserved for that man alone and not his "body".
but I'm getting beyond myself here.
-Kevin M
Hello all, Sorry I have been absent for so long, but I have been out of the country for the last 3 weeks. God has shown me a great deal. I hope to get my butt back to work and continue on the series I had begun, I believe this trip has revealed much about the nature of the Whore we have to deal with. Thank you for all your kind words. We are all a blessing to each other. I thank God we have all found each other. I hope I will hear from Stephen soon. I have the greatest respect for his wisdom and insight. God has put together quite a group on here and so many have added so much truth and revelation.
Peace, You have had some interesting posts, and opened up an interesting discussion. I would like to suggest that our founding fathers didn't lay out Washington DC in a Pentagram on purpose, but were perhaps blind to the spirits that were using them. Just my thoughts.
KevinM, Good post, As I continue to post I will reveal more about what I believe will be the roll of the Church in these end times.
Welcome Back! Hope all is well in N.C. with Ophelia. You have been missed.
May God Continue to Bless Us,
This whole site is AMAZING!!! Thank you for bringing facts to light!!!
I can hardly stand it. People here at the Methodist Church (including the Pastor) are slamming the media for being "all over Bush" for mentioning God in his speech last night. The pastor said, 'he's a good, religious and faithful man and you can't take that out of him.' Geez, talk about a strong veil of delusion; will it ever stop?
PeterZ, other than you and Stephen, I still feel like an island. No-one can see this demon for what he is. Will they ever? I know you think many will make it, as I hope you are right, but I think like Jesus said, "The Way is narrow." I know God is in control and He will win, but the followers around the area where I am is completely, entirely unconditional. How maddening; I want to scream....
Susanne. If you're going to scream this is the place, we know what you're going through. The shock of a sudden perspective shift, people you've loved or looked up to now seeming demonic. Jesus Himself seems like an entirely different savior now that I know who His antithesis is. We are in the battlefield, and the best way that you can keep yourself together is to be safeguarded with the armor of God. Pray for wisdom, for discernment. Pray that the Spirit would reveal itself through what you testify, and fearlessly defend your God, your faith, and your calling. God is on our side, so it doesn't matter what any man or woman may think of us. It doesn't matter if we come across as a little coocoo. John the baptist was a recluse who lived off of locusts and honey. Noah was a drunk who took 100 years to build a huge boat in the middle of a valley. King David in his sheer joy and extacy stripped naked and danced for hours in worship of God.
We're liberal christians with common sense and a heads up on the celistial goings on of the times. We're the standard of sanity compared with some of the people God has chosen to use. (realise that God has lead each and every one of us to this community).
In groups, Fundamentalists are plugged in to their surroundings. They would never pretend to listen to what we have to say if others might be listening. Pray that the spirit lead you to those whose eyes are ready to be open. Pray continually :) and when the spirit leads you, pull that person into a private place where you can lay out the evidence we have available. Be ready to answer questions, but realise that most of the questions you get will be redundant, and easily disputed. Satan has a veil of lies cast over the religious right, but his lies are feeble and brittle in comparison to the power of the living God.
Remember, victory is most assuredly God's
-Kevin M
Susanne, at this particular time, the book of 2 Peter should be a great comfort to you, to all of us.
Peterz, what do you make of the seven spirits of God that went out to the eneds of the earth? You had an interaction with a poster named Muslim and Proud that really got me thinking.
The main monotheistic religions of the world cancel each other out in creed and law, but reinforce each other in spirit and intent.
In order to be a muslim you must acknowledge that there is one God, named Allah, and no God but Him, and he has never been divided, and he has never begotten a son, and Muhammed is his prophet.
As a jew, it was once required, and now is preferred that you be born into your faith. You are one of God's chosen people, a descendant of a tribe that God Himself led through the desert and into a land that was promised to you for all time, so long as you adhere to the law God gave Moses on the mountain. Blood is the only thing that can purify you in the eyes of God, and it must be shed often (even though it's not anymore, why is that?)
As a Christian, you must acknowledge that you cannot come before God of your own power, you cannot abide by any law made acceptable by God, Thusly you must be willing to believe that God is a being that cares about us, loves us and wants to be with us enough to shed the blood of his own son and clear the chasm between man and Himself.
All three faiths follow the God of Abraham, all call their people to care for the poor, and to be merciful and just etc. But one cannot be a muslim and a christian and jew, or any combination. That seems too deliberate to be coincidence, yet I find it hard to see God deliberately entrapping pious people. What gives?
to the anonymous above.
The seven spirits of God are revealed in Isaiah 11.2 "And the (1) spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him (ruling), the (2) spirit of wisdom and (3) understanding, the (4) spirit of counsel and (5) might, the (6) spirit of knowledge and of the (7) fear of the LORD;" These where represented by the seven flames of the lamp stand in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle.
You also asked about the "pious" of other religions. Please do not confuse piousness with godliness. Most likely it just leads to pride. They can be like the religious right of Christianity, with a vested interest in promoting their lies. I have taught on this subject in other of my posts. you may wish to read them. "The Heavens are Telling"
The key here again is a seeking heart. If you do not seek you do not find. If you seek, God will find you, and the same thing happens as the native in the jungle. God looks upon the heart; His ways are not our ways. God is just. Remember I have said that there are many that know the doctrines but do not know God, (like the Pharisees) and many that do not know the doctrine but do know God. 2Cor:3:6: .. for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. True and sound doctrine is only given to help us grow. it is not the spirit of life in it's self.
The name satan of course is not in the Old Testament. It only speaks of corruptible Kings and Leaders. The Antichrist of course has power over the airways (Media) his words speak louder than the common folks. Remember History? Jeremiah the true prophet warned the people babylon would over take them.He was locked up in a prison, while all the other false prophets, priests (preachers) were preaching a popular message that they would be victorious. They preached peace peace when there was no peace. What happened? babylon over took them. We have many false prophets in the pool pit today.If Bush is born again, I am Cinderella. The Commandment thou shalt not kill. means "thou shalt not kill". Or do you think Bush will make an amendment to it and say except, for when "I" say we are at war. In ancient times the believers were persecuted and killed. Now they join in persecuting others that do not believe the way they do. Hitler killed the Jews because they did not believe as he did. He thought he was cleansing the world of evil. What about Bush? I believe that we will see Bush in a flame of fire! We can say there is the Burning bush!! I can say that all will be ok because God is a winner. If God lost one soul, he would not be a winner. But the God I serve is a Winner!
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