
The King Conquering the Dragon
When we discuss The Lord Jesus Christ, with the unbeliever or the follower of eastern religions, and some modern day religious systems; we may get back a response like “Jesus is A way” to God, not THE way. This is a put down to Christ veiled as an expression of reverence. Any statement like He was a holy prophet or a great man is in reality making Him less than what and who He is. Some would say that God is an impersonal force. They would claim that to say that God could be anthropomorphic (man like) is to limit Him. That He or “it” is beyond all of that. What they fail to see is that they are the ones that are limiting God. Does it not make sense that our source or creator would be greater than us or the creation? If I have intelligence and a personality, wouldn’t it be logical to believe that my source would also have that capability as well? If so what would it be like?
With this in mind let us have a look at who this humble carpenter from Nazareth really is and who the Bible claims Him to be. John: 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The word used here for WORD is the Greek word LOGOS it is where we get our word logic. It is describing the very intent and/or expression of God. Vs. 3: “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” God spoke all things into existence. He said “Let there be” and there was. Vs. 14: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” The word used here for dwelt is the Greek word SKENOO, it means to tent or tabernacle among us. The picture is as though God the Eternal had put on a garment or a tent over His spirit, so we could see Him. vs.18: No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Jn: 4:24 “God is a Spirit” It is Jesus who reveals Him to us. Hebrews 1: 1: “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2: Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3: Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”
Some cults that claim to believe in the Bible say He is the Son of God and Jehovah is God. I will endeavor to show that they are one and the same. Any time we see a manifestation of God what we see is the Son, because the Son is the expression or manifestation of the Father. And we see or experience Him by agency of the Holy Spirit. Thus we see the Triune God. Think of it in this way. All of creation is given to understanding spiritual truth. I have said in a previous post, that the Sun in the sky is a type of Jesus. He is the light of the world, the life giving force to everything on this planet. It sets and rises again. We are children of the day. The invisible driving force or Power behind that ball of fire is the father. When we look upon it, we see the manifestation of power, or the Son; and we are able to see it and feel it because of its rays, or the Holy Spirit. One but three.
When Moses went up into the mountain and saw the burning bush, what he saw was the Son Jesus. The bush said that His name was “I Am” Jn: 8:58: “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I Am. 59: Then took they up stones to cast at him:” The reason they wanted to stone him was because they knew what He meant when he said that. He was equating himself to being one and the same. As an interesting side note, the name I AM was an ever present tense. It actually meant I am Who I am, When I am, Where I am, Why I am, What I am and How I am. Every question you can ask, He is the answer. Also all those questions are actually derived from the name for God. They all contain the YHWH.
Jesus was unique of all men, in that He did not have an earthly father. His father was God. This was in fulfillment to the scripture. Isa: 7:14: “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Which being interpreted is, God with us.” Mt: 1:23. The blood flowing through his veins was eternal blood from His father (Lev: 17:11: For the life of the flesh is in the blood). So when His blood was shed it was shed once for all mankind for ever. All the sacrifices of the perfect lambs without spot or blemish before were only a foreshadowing of the true sacrifice that was to come in Christ. With His death He paid the price for our sins, and opened up the Gates of Heaven. Now anyone can come “Boldly to the throne of grace” Heb. 4:16. With His resurrection He conquered death. 1Cor:15:21: “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23: But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24: Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25: For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Jesus has been with us from the beginning of creation. In Exodus there is a wonderful prophetic picture. In chapter 17 vs. 3 we see the people were thirsty for water as we thirst for living water, and truth. 5: “And the LORD said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and go. 6: Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel”. Then in Numbers 20 vs. 7- 12 When the people needed water again God has instructed Moses to SPEAK to the rock and the water would flow; but Moses had lost his temper and was angry with the people, and he smote the rock again twice, instead of talking to the rock. Jesus was that Rock that followed the children of Israel through the wilderness. 1Cor:10:4: “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” What an incredible picture. Jesus only needed to be smitten once for all, and that was accomplished at the cross. Since then when we need the living water we don’t need to crucify Christ afresh or offer another sacrifice, we need but to ask. Talk to the Rock. It was because of this that Moses broke the type and was not able to enter the Promise Land. Jesus was smitten once for all mankind forever.
The name Jehovah or Yahweh does not really exist. It is derived from the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, YHWH. When we see the word Lord used in the Old Testament it is in replacement of that symbol. In reading from the scripture the Priests used the word Adonai (my Lord) because the name was unpronounceable. It was believed that God was present in His name so if you could say the name of god the very earth would burn at the sound of it.
In the book of the prophet Zechariah we see this interesting verse. They Lord Jehovah is speaking. Zech:12:10: “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.” I would ask you, when did we ever pierce Jehovah? It was Jesus whom we pierced, Jehovah the Savior. Another incredible prophecy is seen in Isaiah. Isa:52:5: “Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD (Jehovah), that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.” Here we see the Lord saying that his people are oppressed like the children of Israel that were in slavery in Egypt. We have been carried away for a lie and false values and as a result we are howling with oppression. Then you hear people blaspheming the name of the Lord. In anger they shout “Jesus Christ”. You don’t here them saying Oh Jehovah.
I was in a discussion with a sincere Islamic man who would tell me he would pray to God Allah. The name Allah is the same as Elohim. EL Al .He said he did not pray to Jesus, he prayed to God. I said that if who he is praying to is God than he is praying to Jesus. They are the same. There is no other way to get to God because He is God, not A God but the one and only. Most Hebrew names end in either the EL sound from Elohim like Michael, (meaning, He who is like God), or IAH like Isaiah (Salvation of Jehovah).
The Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that our bibles have been corrupted. Or that the King James was changed. They point to this verse. 1Jn:5:7: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” Here we have a clear depiction of the trinity, but unfortunately they are correct. That verse, although is sound doctrine, was probably added, and not in the original texts. We don’t really need it to be there to show the soundness of the Trinity. As said before, there is oneness and threeness in the entire creation. We have many other modern translations to compare in our studies. There are so many copies of ancient manuscripts both Old Testament and New, that it is almost embarrassing. Then they would argue that Jesus was A mighty god not the Almighty God. Let us compare two verses. Ps:50:1: The mighty God, even the LORD (Jehovah), hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. Isa:9:6: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Here we clearly see that the Father and the Son are the same.
Who is this Lord Jesus? He is the loving Father, that truly knows us, not only because of His infinite knowledge, but He knows us from experience. He became a man. He showed us not only what God was like, but what God intended man to be like. Rom:5:8: But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Rv:13:8.- Ps:24:8: He is the King of glory, The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
When you see Jesus, you fall in love and you want to follow because you have met the Master. Rv:5: 11: And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; 12: Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. 13: And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
Amen and Amen.
nice thought, anonymous. you are evidence of humanities separation, I think. Excellent post Peterz. You have such a way of making the radical digestable.
That is the typical way a christian fundy does things, just mute everyone who dissagrees.
Christian reasoning is only circular in nature and has nothing to do with reason, or science, or real knowledge of anything.
QuackCracker... I would ask you to do the same and be open minded. You have only assumed that all there is to back up Gods word is the Bible. It surrounds you if you but open your eyes.
Anonymous above... We on this site would not be a typical Fundamentalist. But if you are saying that we believe that the Bible is the Truth, yes we do. Now I would ask you why did you come here?
Are you seeking to perhaps learn something? or did you come to throw stones because you feel threatened? You have made some statements and insults, but no effort to back up your claims. Where is your evidence or your "Leg to stand on". If you are looking for truth and want to have an honest discussion I think you will find everyone on here will be very happy to engage you. If on the other hand you have just come to call names and insult you have displayed your spirit and are just proving the point of this blog. If you choose to be hateful and act like a child, you will be deleted.
Anonymous, the truth isn't quite so cut and dried. True, people like me view the bible as the inspired word of God, but God is more than the word. You assume the bible is all we draw from, and our reasoning is circular. In a way what you say is truth, in that the story of man, as recorded in the bible does have consistant patterns that manifest themselves in a myriad of ways. History hints and suggests at what the Bible clearly spells out. Are you familiar with the illuminati symbol of the serpent or leviathon that encircles the planet and bites it's own tail? There is truth to that. The serpent is doomed to reflect the glory of God. As the only coldblooded creature (other than fish, I believe) they are not a source of the life that they know. Left to their own means they would freeze to death, but by the power of the sun, their life is sustained. the sun also reflects off off the moon, which people in history have some times mistaken as being a source of it's own light. All of them the same thing, in the world, in biology and astronomy right here. But the key that unlocks the truths that are housed in this creation is the word of God, which is why we keep referring to it.
But as I said, God is not only the Word, God is also love. And love is the living book of our everyday actions. It is our other reference and further evidence that this is the truth.
Isn't it amazingly incredible that you can express no real opinion, just show the facts, and people can still want to and argue with the facts. Either you believe the Bible or sadly, you don't.
The lines are being drawn I'm tellin' ya! If you watch closely, you can almost tell who does and who does not truly believe. A strange realization happended to me the other day when I started to notice that people who don't have a lot of faith seem to be falling apart in certain ways; financial woes, parenting/relationships/, just more difficulties. Pay attention and please let me know if you witness this or maybe I'm just imagining it.
So beautiful to read PeterZ. You make me look forward to seeing Him even more. Thanks again, and again and again for your putting into words what is in my heart. When people don't understand or don't get this important message, I can truly understand how they would just be miserable people because without it I would be also.
Where would we be if we didn't trust our Lord the way we do?
May He continue to Bless you with your understanding - couldn't be more timely for me. Gonna encourage my sister to read it; one of these days I pray she'll see Jesus for who Jesus really is.
Wonderful words Peterz. With all that's going on in the world and with the evils of Bushco. and all, then we must remember that Jesus will one day, (Probably soon )return and cast out all the evil.
I am so glad that you have this great site and all of us here to help wake people up. God Bless you Peterz and all of us.
"A strange realization happended to me the other day when I started to notice that people who don't have a lot of faith seem to be falling apart in certain ways; financial woes, parenting/relationships/, just more difficulties." - Susanne
I've noticed that too, Susanne, albeit a bit more directly. Long story short, my father passed away this past winter and left his life insurance in the care of his best friend to give to us when we need it...basically asking him to take over his role as father and to watch over us, to help us out monetarily when we need it, etc. As a poor college student, my health insurance ended when my dad died and this money would have allowed me to get insurance. Its been 8 1/2 months since then and he still hasn't talked to us or returned our calls. When we talked to a lawyer, it turns out he makes a percentage each year off of how much is in the trust, so its to his benefit NOT to help us. Watching the betrayal of my father by his best friend for money is one of the most horrible things I've seen a human do and if it weren't for God.... well I would have lost hope (and my temper) a long time ago.
You are not imagining it, Susanne. People without true faith seem to slowly crumble under the pressures of life, and with the times changing to worse we will see it more and more.
but people with faith are being perfected at the same time by this refining fire, I'm sorry to hear about that scoots, I too have been taken advantage of by greedy people (relatives) who assumed the parental role.
The book of Genisis runs throught the creation of man, it seems twice. The first time they are created both from dust, and at the same time as each other, less than a full chapter later, you have Eve, who was taken out of man. Is this an oversight? hardly, this is a hint, and a verification that points to a lost legend. I am speaking of the legend of lilith.
As well documented and historically recognizable as the Nephilim are throughout recorded history, so inversly is the story of lilith enshrouded in secrecy.
The written bible has one specific reference to her by name in Isaiah 34: 14, and even then the truth has been lost in translation, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith#Lilith_in_the_Bible
I have a new post on my blog, by the way.
The love of money is the root of all evil and when you think it can't get worse, it does. I'm glad you have found peace (and maybe forgiveness) for the shallowness and contemptableness of your father's friend. If only your father could have known. Shame on him (the friend, not your father). The peace you're finding is a gift from God as I'm sure you know that, but it always make me feel more assured also to know that he will have to answer for what he has done. I don't mean to be spiteful but I trust that God will make everything right. He always does and that makes it easier to accept. I guess our job is to figure out what we are supposed to learn from it other than what a rotten place we have to dwell in until He returns.
Another question/thought: doesn't Revelations talk about the little horn being the antichrist? Have to go research....and get back to each other. I'm having a hard time getting through Judges. Revelations is one of the easier Books for me to understand.
You know we are all not "good Americans" (quote from w. yesterday), don't you. I'm not quite sure how to spell it, but I'm glad to be an insubmissive.
You know the Bible for when it suits you. Is that really knowing the Bible. You can know the Bible and not know Jesus. Do you know Jesus?
Because if you knew Jesus you wouldn't be picking and choosing His Book for your purpose. What is your purpose; what are you saying?
On Hanchett's site his topic is the equality of all men under God. I know a lot of people believe that there are different levels of Heaven. I have thought about this but cannot really find anything in the Bible that substantiates it. I like to think that we will have no separations or divisions in Heaven; all equal. Any thoughts?
anonymous, I for one will be relieved when your attention span brings drags you out of this space. Your kind and our kind cannot mutually coexist. It's very nice that you can cut and paste the deceptions and misinturpretations other people have had of scripture for one who repeats "think for yourself" over and over again, you have yet to prove to anyone that you yourself are capable of that effort.
You are a blind man describing an elephant. You cannot understand.
Susanne, in the heart of the christian right there are nuggets of truth and wisdom. One of those nuggets is in the form of three little books written by a man named Bruce Wilkinson, the Prayer of Jabez, Secrets of the Vine, and a life God rewards. The following is a link to an excerpt from A life God Rewards:
Young Brother,
It is strange how two people can see a book in two different lights. The very fact that I am one of ten percent who are infidels proves that I do, indeed think for myself, the fact that I once was one of you proves it even further.
Proof that you are running scared that you do not really know what you believe lies in the fact that you do not have an answer for the inconsistencies in your holy book. You can not explain them without you yourself realizing that you have been deceiving yourself. The only way to maintain that deception for yourself is to say that we can not co-exist. That however is only fear welling up inside you. It is by fear that most religions rule and fool their followers. That is why religious cleansings have happened throughout history, and there are so many atrocities recorded in the Bible
Scott.. You are correct in that Fear and Power is how religions rule, but If you had read other posts on this blog you might realize that what we are talking about is not religion but truth. It is also true that many atrocities have been committed in the name of God, but God hasn't had any part of it. The reason that the early church swept the entire known world was because of their message against war and to Love your enemies. You think you have found a list of contradictions in the Bible, but in fact what you have shown is your complete lack of understanding. If you are truly looking for answers I would advise you to seek and you will find. Your coming here to argue shows us that you are the one that is running scared. We did not go to seek you out or harass you. If you are truly satisfied with what you think, then we wish you peace. It is obvious from the venom that peace alludes you. You are wrong in thinking that you are in the minority about faith. You are just another of the majority that is believing a lie. Also you have deceived yourself into think you were once one of us, You may have been taught some religious information, but you have obviously never met Jesus. If you had, you could never be swayed. If what you have is Truth, nothing can shake it.
If you are interested in truth and honest discussion, we are happy to engage with you. If you are hostile, you will be wasting your time, and your comments will be deleted.
Peace, believe me I understand your frustration.
I've been struggling with this for awhile:
What do you do, do you tell everyone you can every scrap of truth you've found so far to show them how far off our blind American society is from normal?
No, we shouldn't do that, it's too much too soon for most. This journey is something evey one of us takes on our own. We can have travelling companions (what we, the frequenters are to each other) but every step is a personal effort and accomplishment. The old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" is perfect for this. Every single step, every conclusion is a new instance of dipping down and taking a drink, for all of us. There's a reason for that, of course, but even still there are people out there who are ready for it. and that number is growing. Remember when you woke up? How your discontent was just a vague feeling that things weren't right. That something about "all of this" doesn't add up. You have grown leaps and bounds from that point, but the people who need the most help, the best truth, they are still at that point. They are coming from a place where they supported their leaders because they felt it was their patriotic duty. But their conscionce resonates a fraction stronger than that patriotism. There are many many steps between there and where you are, this is where Patience, that most frustrating (for me) fuit of the spirit really comes in handy. Our victory is already assured, and while that's no reason to sit back and take it, it should be what helps us sleep at night. We may not see how God's plan will work, but rest assured, it's working even now. (and I'm speaking to myself just as much as anyone else)
I thought I was engaging in honest discussion.
What truth are you talking about?
How is the Bible truth just because The Bible says so?
As for what I know, we were all born knowing nothing except for a few instinctual behaviors. Therefore I have learned everything that I know about, how to read write and find info. on any topic you can think of. I am open minded, I may learn something from you, but I can tell you that I know the bible very well too. That seems to be the only way you can express yourself, through that one book. Why do I need you to quote verse and then give your opinion? Everybody has an opinion about any verse in the bible and usually they are all different.
Peter it was not easy for me to admit that God is a sham. I was at one time a very committed christian, and it was not my choice to stop believing. It was kind of like trying to believe in Santa Clause, all the while knowing that something did not fit. And to just say "have faith" was not good enough.
My life is much better now that I can face reality. I live each day like it is my last and savor each moment, because life is worth more when it is limited.
Santa Claus is a deception enforced by demonic powers not only to undermine the true value of Christ's birthday (and most of us here know it was moved to coincide with the winter Solstice by the moon-worshipping Romans, so don't bother "informing" us about that, Scott) by appealing to the greed of civilised society, rather than the generosity espoused by Christ. But it also tells children the story of a being who knows when you're sleeping, and when you're awake, who knows if you've been bad or good, and will judge you either way, who is from the north somewhere, "up there", and will come down to rain love and generosity to all who fall in line. He also has a list of names that he checks twice, and demands the sacrifice of cookies and milk from his loyal children.
Total Macy's bulls&%t, and another case of the mammon worshipping idolitors of today attempting to block out or usurp the truth (you asked Peter what truth, this is part of it) of God.
Anyway, scott, I have to ask, what is the 10% of infidels you refer to yourself as being? That lost me. and that doesn't prove you can think for yourself. The fact that you are still here discussing does, and I commend you for it.
As for me claiming we cannot coexist, I must apologize for that moment of immaturity on my part. I cannot judge who will be with truth or against truth.
But Peter was right, friend, we are not the "one of them" that you used to be. The whole religious right is going to hell in a handbasket as far as I can see. And the Biblical inconsistancies that you brought up don't hold water. I know you cut and pasted them, because I have been to those sites, referenced the word and unravelled all that foolishness already because I tend to be a doubting Thomas (Do you really think we are here because we're sheep?? have you read what we are saying? stick around, you may learn to like us.)
By the way, as you could learn in time, the Bible isn't true because the Bible says so, at least not solely, because of the prophecies, many many prophecies, it has. In the past it has been and will again be proven authentic and true through those parts. Also, "of all these things, faith hope and love are the most important, and the greatest of these, is Love", and other such practical themes are more than enough truth to help any travellor on the road towards enlightenment. We Do believe the bible is the uncontested truest book in the world, and you're just going to have to accept that.
Think about it. What if you had a book that not only had the clearest and most complete picture of what humanity was like throughout history (us, but with less toys)- but you also have the very words of the one source of all this unexpected craziness (tell me true, could you have imagined something as elaborate as this planet? did you plan your birth, chose your station in life, and do you really want to die?
Life for all starts out limited. we are born in caves, cut off from the sun, and we have no idea what we are missing out on...Well, I should say, you have no idea what you are missing out on, because, overexposed and disoriented as we may be, we see the light. And light is always preferred over darkness. becuase life is worth more when you give up your slavery to instant gratification and become free.
Peace you are such an amazing blessing to me, to all of us. I think we are starting to learn how to love one another, as siblings in Christ, despite the html barriers. I will read 1 Peter.
please set up an anonymous email account and email me at expose_darkness@yahoo.com
Things I've come across will sound way too crazy for the anonymous ear of mother internet, but I think you can help me out here quite a bit, and I've just been beside myself here and I want to share with someone. Hope to hear from you, sister.
"..the fact that I once was one of you proves it even further. "
So...Scott, also being one of those 'pagans' that you refer yourself as , and also formally a die-hard fundy like you....... just out of curiosity, what changed your mind?
ps. psst-Scott,if your nice, they'll let you hang around for a while.
Hey guys, all in good fun y'know, but with respect to Scott's post, have you seen this?
Dark Ages!
...Scott, keep a light on- now I'm sure I'll be banned! :)
Shauna said.
This is my first post. I think this site is very infomative. Bush certanly seems like he could be the antichrist. First thing I wanted to comment on is the bird flu, their was a news story on the other day that said sour kraut can cure bird flu, I think it said the chinese tested it on infected chickens and it cured 11 out of 15 chickens.
My 2nd comment is just to warn people about large pharacutical companies, just for example I read several good articles about how HIV does not cause aids, the medicine they give you to supress aids is what kills the immune system, check out this web site www.virusmyth.net/aids/controversy.htm
Seems like these huge companies care more about money than health, they are still lying to cover the truth.
The last thing I wanted to ask is about the bible. I am an atheist, I was raised catholic by my parents. I am also a transsexual. Most of my life I have resented the bible and the church because everytime you here a news story it seems negative, like homosexuality is a sin or prolife arguments, or even just inconsistancies in the bible. When I first came to read the - Bush could be the antichrist articles, I have to say that it scared me. To much of it seems to be more than coinidence should allow. I am wondering if god/jesus wanted people to believe in the bible why wouldn't they pay a visit from time to time to show us proof of their existance, rather than have people believe just on faith when their are thousands of other religons to choose from. How is anyone to know for sure which religon is right. Can anyone offer any advice, and maybe explain why the bible is the true word of god, or maybe explain what personal story led you to believe in god. Anything would be helpfull. Thanx for listening.
Peace... First I want to thank you for all the links and research you have added to our growth.
Shauna... I have reposted your comment on this most recent post. I would encourage you to keep reading . I think you will find most of your questions answered in these posts. Seek and yee shall find. Please know that God does love you and don't let mans version of God come between you and your creator.
Our leaders admitted (?) to using chemical weapons (white phosphorus) in Fallujah today. I find this interesting that they would be so open about it when they normally lie about everything. Why do you suppose? Do you think because they can't cover it up so easily - truly horrifying stuff - or do you think they are more brazen and bold because they are getting backed against the wall.
Also, anybody, do you ever find yourself hoping that things will progress faster than they are so Jesus comes back quicker? I have not been touched personally (yet) by all the disasters and suffering in the world and I still can't hardly stand this system of things anymore and the overall state of our world. PeterZ says there is much yet to take place and I know there is, but Jesus also says He will speed things up at the end of times because it is so unbearable. Whatever I have to endure it will be so "bring it on" (just because I'm protected by the armour of God). Does anybody else feel that way?
To Shauna,
Listen to PeterZ; he'll never steer you wrong. Jesus loves you and the Bible is real. I can tell you know it. It's called faith. In the old testament times, God would actually speak to people, He revealed Himself to us through Jesus Christ, and people still want to question. What is the question - pay attention. Everything about everything is in the Bible. I wonder how many books are still around from the very beginning of time. One, I'm betting. The Bible. Why do you suppose that is? Because it's God's Word and He has caused its survival. If you need physical evidence. Research Noah's ark. It's in the mountains of Turkey. Only thing is, man cannot get to it, but it's there. There are physical signs and you still question. I have asked this before also, why the blind faith? I think it has to do with that He has been among us now and given us THE most wonderful gift of all, eternal salvation with Him, and now the ball is in your court. Believe Him or not. Blind faith, no, just faith. You got it.
Hello Everyone here, I haven't posted much or anything recently, been busy doing some other things.
I just wanted to say hi and wish everyone well. I just felt like sharing a few links here.
A lot of interesting articles through the David Icke site too.
With Bush now being at his lowest ratings and how he and cheney lashing back at the democrats and everyone who opposes them I fear they are going to take a more severe turn soon. God Bles us all. Kevin G
what if we go months with no "terrorist attack"? What if in that time we pull all but a few key troops from Afghanistan and Iraq into the military pool here at home, only to have next spring, or even summer an atomic explosion with American casualties, right before senate elections next year, stirring up the patriotic hornests nest that is quieting down even now. It's a possibility. Everyone around here seems to think the next step is right around the corner. We've seen how quickly we can get waist high in blood, I just think a true trickster wouldn't lay out all his cards one right after another until there are none in hand. The Bush network is too conniving, too brutal to be where they are now without still holding at least one wildcard. We may be told by the liberal media that we've got them by the balls, but these people have had us by the balls since 1980, or even 1999. Point is, they're professional, highly trained, we are like infants. Eyes unaccustumed to the light. Let us not allow them to fool us because they will try until they die.
shauna, thank you for coming here with an open mind and an open heart. You have a wonderful attitude of hope mixed with discernment. I would encourage you to visit my blog (click on my name to get the link) and read my "leap of faith" post.
Webster and other dictionaries base their definition of faith on dogma, and what surrounds it. I don't remember where you can find it, but I'm 98% sure the bible defines faith as "the belief in things unseen"
That's my definition anyway. Faith, to me is a matter of knowing about something, like God for which you have no tangible evidence (though Susanne had a good point in mentioning the Ark of Noah) and choosing to believe in it.
If you know about something, it's not the same as believing in it. The leap of faith is a moment of unproven, unsubstantiated, gut-reliant belief.
Once you make that belief, God will reveal himself to you in many ways, but the ball of belief is in your court. Bless you for coming, and bless your open mind and honesty.
Also, something else for you to think about. You said you were starting to see the evil taking place in our world, and if you know that to be real, then you should also be able to see that God is real. Without God, there would be no antichrist. He was one of God's best angels until he provoked Him and He cast him out of Heaven. That is why the devil is so angry. He NEVER feels that love from God anymore and he is dangerous because of it. So if you believe that the antichrist is real (and he is), then search your heart a little more and you will see that God is real. Very real. Keep searching and He will show you and you will wonder how you ever could have doubted.
I think Kevin G. is right. They have more up their sleeve yet to come. Something is coming. Something big. But so is our Lord.
Keepin' the faith always,
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share this link to a short video of Pat Robertson from one of his recent
broadcasts showing him using the Devils hand salute
http://www.prisonplanet.com/ arti...105eldiablo.htm
Here's that link again I clicked on it and it didn't work so here it is again
Hey everyone. I have a new post, concerning the fall of Satan and the way greedy rulers mimic that first failure. Hope anyone interested enjoys it.
Quackcracker you sound like someone who is jealouse.
I find it so fascinating that critics of Peter's blog have stayed quiet for months, and now one his post about the Identity of Jesus, he has been receiving a barrage of insults, poetry, verbal attacks from one (or two) condescending neocons.
I strongly feel and hope the rest of you can recognize that "Quackcracker"s string of negative contributions is the influence of demonic pursuasion.
That pusuasion comes under the title of "logic" and "patriotism" at times because our whole civilised society has been in Satan's vice grip since it's inception (follow the money trail straight to hell if you want).
Our group here is setting a standard this world system today mortally fears. But we have the strength of God on our side, and these demons most definately have reason to fear. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of Christ.
I have just deleted 4 more anonymous posts. I am sure this person thinks they are being funny and smart, but they are really being sad and dumb. They know not what they are doing. This is no game we are about, and the truth shall not be silenced. If you want to continue to be a troll,I have no problem just sending your demons right back to the bottomless pit they came from.
Greetings my fellow believers,
I don't have too much to offer on Mr. Moon, other than he has always creeped me out. This is the first I have heard about this "interfaith" and find my hopes being realized (again)- that we are always getting closer to His return. YES! (almost) Nothing shocks or surpries me too much at this point in our times, but I'm amazed that if indeed he is the false prophet it would be so blatant. (And people still won't see it?) Truly boggling. I have heard about a guy that goes by the name "Miayatra" or something like that who people revere as some sort of special prophet promoting world peace. But given the connection that is deep with the Moon guy and the Bushes - he would be my choice to be the false prophet.
Just gotta say how good it is to have this sight, still, more than ever, as I still don't know anyone who sees things like this. It's truly one more thing to be thankful for. I still feel like there's something I should be doing about something but haven't figured it out yet. He'll show me when. We are all being molded by Him for what is coming. Man, and I think it's happening faster than I could have even imagined. If it is Moon, (we'll know soon), be ready for anything.
Until next time, be watchful and faithful always. Does anyone else feel a deeper sense of strength lately? I think I embrace seeing our Lord do away with ALL evil and sharing the victory. Imagine.
Love to all,
Hey Susanne, good to hear from you again. I thought you might be interested in an aspect of discussion we had on Stephen's blog not too long ago:
This is quite obviously not the path for everyone, but spreading Christ's message about the kingdom of God is very likely the path for every one of us here. I empathise with your sense of being overwhelmed. All I can suggest is that you look at your life up to this point, and analyse your talents, interests and placement. Use everything you can to work for God, in any way you can think of.
"Ask and it shall be given to you.
Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened for you"
a journey of a thousand miles consists of a series of single steps. Don't focus on the big picture as much as the here and now, in light of this bigger picture. What Can you do in your life right now? That's probably what you should be doing.
Pray about it, and God will make his will clear for you.
I know exactly what you mean about feeling strengthened in the storm. Bless you for staying current, as little as it may seem to you, it's a heck of a lot more obediant than the common American mindset. Be in peace that you will be provided with strength, endurance and other elements needed to face whatever task is yours to do for God.
I have just sent this email to the American Family Association and several corporations like Ford whom they targeted.
I believe "The American Family Association" is getting drunk with its power and with the wine of Babylon. You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. You don't appear to be interested in the truth concerning these matters of what homosexuals go through, nor do you, with love lead people to Christ. You are telling people they must be a certain way in order to come to Christ. That is not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ but the gospel of the Pharisees. My Bible tells me that I MUST come JUST AS I AM, and then God will clean up what is needed. Not the other way around. Not only do you shut up the Kingdom of God against those men but also against countless multitudes that see your injustice and think that if that is what Christ is like, they don't want any part of Him. With the great injustices in our society, like poverty, health care and corruption, you choose to go after the most persecuted people on this earth. Not because you really think this will change them and lead them to Christ, but because this is a hot button issue, that will help fill your coffers with money. This is your real and true interest. Repent! Now you are going after our sacred Idols like Christmas (which is a payday for the Corporation and putting people in debt), with nonsense like the use of the word "Holiday" instead of Christmas. This is a pagan holiday in the first place and not Christian. Jesus was probably born in October. What lying diversions you use to steal peoples money and make them think they are doing God's work.
You go Peter! Well said again. So true. For the first time in my life I don't want to do Christmas..
I hope you forever keep spreading truth.
Young brother,
Thanks bunches for the words of wisdom and encouragement. It is just so amazing to me to be living in end times and watch our world just keep going on in the same old pitiful way day after day and not be able to try to look at the whole picture. But the here and now are always the ones we should concern ourselves with anyway. Stay strong.
I heard about Mr. Moon on the I.N.N. report on Free Speech TV and I heard about the tunnel that he wants built to bridge Alaska and Russia in honor of his goodness or holiness (choke) and I could not hardly believe it. I didn't hear a reason why they want it done other than (guessing) to "unify the world". I wonder why "they" want to have it done for real and what they are saying about why have it done. Has anyone heard more? Peace, maybe. My most informed buddy in the world! (Hope all is good with you). Another thought I had about Mr. Moon is that his name is even shadowey and spooky. Like the sun would represent Jesus and the Moon (a shadow, pale existence compared to the sun) would represent our opponent. Shiver me timbers!
Away with you, spirit of dissent! Can you truely not see the plank in your own eye?
Don't you dare come here with your self righteous "you spit on Jesus holy face by deleting my comments" attitude.
You, my friend are an abomination. You are on the precipe on the kingdom of God itself, but you do not see it. Why do you keep coming? do you have control of your actions, or do you behave more out of spite and impulse?
What point, if any, do you have to make? If you don't have a point, why are you here? This man Peter has the right to do whatever he wants to with his blog. He has a freedom you can never take away from him. You have no power, only fear. We see through your charade. You aren't helping anyone, anonymous, you are damning yourself in this behavior.
Wake up, or get out.
YB above is writing in response to more hate messages I deleted
Thanks Shauna, for this link I am reading it now! One thing for sure is that things are going to get worse.
Hey Peterz,
Why do you keep deleting that person's post's. They are making a lot of sence to me. Maybe they are right about you. They do have freedom of speech too you know, well so far any way. You and the Bush regeime seem to be pretty agreeable when it comes to censorship.
Just a thought or two from someone who is looking at your post regularly.
Larry...I have no problem with someone that is wanting a real discussion. This is not a question of freedom of speech and you know it. We are about sharing the message of Christ, and how it relates to the times we are living in. I have and will delete any post that is meant only to be antagonistic.
If you think that poster is right, and he makes sense to you, then maybe you two should start your own blog or maybe take a house by the sea together. The truth is you are probibly one and the same person. It is highly unlikely that you happen to see any of "his" comments since they are usually deleated in less than an hour. I am notified when a comment is posted to my blog. I put a great deal of work and study into my posts and then I prayerfully post them. I don't claim to be anything special, but I do claim to know the "Truth". If this last post of yours is your spirit crying out for help, and you need some answers,.... ask away. There are lots of insightful people who post on here regularly. But if you just want to call me a sinner, tell me something I don't already know.
Thank you Peace for all your blessings and help.
I have found that because of the refusal to see the importance of being seperated from God because of our sins, that most who refuse to believe, are simply unable to believe that Christ is the way...rather than the only way...they do not understand the concept of redemtion, because they do not understand the concept of seperation because of sin...and this I speak through personal experience...it is only when I reached the end of all hope that God touched my heart, opening my eyes to the whole cocept of sin and redemption...it was a definate experience that I can and love to recount to others...but until God has preparred a heart to receive it...to many, it is a concept that is so foreign, they cannot fathom its depths...and this is the patience of the saints in spreading the good news...and the hope that on the day of redemption, those who heard it, will recognize their visitation.
Foregetting that salvation is of the Lord is whatcauses many a well meaning Christian to turn from giving the message of hope to someone...if their message seems to be rejected because of someones's other belief, then they give up too soon...foregetting that we are only the bearers of this hope and message...but it is God who brings it into being.
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