
What Day is it?
“Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?”Everywhere you look, people have a sence that something major is about to happen. Yet we live in a time where most seem to be deceived into thinking that this is the way life has always been. People in the big cities like New York and everywhere else think it has always been this way; going to shops, buying the latest designer fashion, the work a day world, and so on. We are eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage (Mt:24:38). We have our nice churches and Sunday rituals all set. We think we have God in our nice little box and, not to worry if it gets really bad we will be Raptured out and escape. When people look back at history they must lose site of what has gone on. They don’t see God bringing things to a point. America is a flash in the pan, Egypt was around as an empire for over a thousand years. How blind we are, lost in our own little world. God is in control of history, and his hand can be seen throughout. We are so short sighted, and forget so quickly. 2Pt:3:8:
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, ( in other words if we are ignorant of anything else, don't let it be this) that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”With this in mind, let us look at Biblical history. If we use the Bible to trace back the time through out history from now to Adam, using the genealogies provided and other references, Adam lived about 6 thousand years ago. WOW, that means that to God it hasn’t even been a week since creation fell. Interesting, since that would mean that this is the end of the 6th day and beginning of the 7th. Wouldn’t it be possible and just like God to put things right under our nose, and to put the entire history of the world in the first chapter of Genesis. Isa:46:10:
“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”Let us look at those first 6 days and think of them as thousand year periods in history, and compare.
On the first day God separated light from darkness. It was in that first day that Adam fell, and light was separated from darkness. Remember God said in the day you eat ye shall surely die. They didn't die that 24 hour day but not one of them lived to be a thousand years old, Methuselah the oldest was 969. So we see in that first day, first thousand years, Light (God) seperated from darkness (the fallen creation).
The second day, we see waters and a firmament in the midst. It was that second day or second thousand years that the flood occurred. The firmament is the Ark ( the ark is a type of the kingdom of God) God sat on the Ark. It was the place of refuge. I could expound a lot more on all of this but I believe most will see the picture.
The third day God said let the waters be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear. Ex:14:21: And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. (gathered together and stood on heap and the dry land appeared).”and he called the waters seas (the Red Sea).:22: And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. Then they were led to the Promised Land where there were fruit trees yielding fruit. This occurred in that third millennium or third day.
The forth day we see lights in the firmament. It was that forth day that Christ appeared. Remember light had already existed, but now we have the manifestation of that light. God has made the creation as a picture of understanding spiritual truth. The Sun is a type of Jesus. He is the “light of the world “ it is the giver of life, it sets and rises again as Jesus was buried and rose again. We are the children of the day and not of the night. The Day Star. Mal:4:2: “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” The moon is a type of Satan. It has no light of it’s own but appears as though it has light. It is the ruler of darkness. Lunar is where we get the word Lunatic. Now again the devil (darkness) was here from the beginning, but it was Jesus that exposed him for what and who he is. The Stars are a type of the saints and angels. They are lights in a dark place.
The fifth day we see the fish. The fish has always been a symbol of the church, and the fowl are symbolic of antichrists, that steal the word and devour it. This is the church age, and all things after their kind.
Then we come to the sixth day and the last thing God does on the sixth day before he creates man is The BEAST of the earth after his kind. This is the beast that has been prophisied in Revelation and Daniel to come. The Antichrist being revealed. If we open our eyes, and look at this system and world, you will know that He has been revealed. 2Thes:2:3: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, (the blindness of the church, they are decieved, and don’t see who it is in the White House) and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” After the beast is revealed then the very last thing God says is “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” True spiritual man in the likeness of Christ. “And Let them have Dominion”. This is that Last Trump spoken of in 1Cor:15:52 and 1Thes:4:16 When the Lord speaks, it is many times likened to a Trumpet in the scripture. Rv:1:10: “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” This happens on the Lords day: the seventh day, which is the day of rest. We are giving birth to the new day.
If that is not a strong enough picture, let us look at more. We as Christians believe we are the body of Christ. What does that mean? The Fundamentalists because of their lack of true faith dispensationalize the power of God away because they don’t see it. They try to tell you that we don’t need it any more because we have the Bible. My God is the same yesterday, today and forever. When Peter walked, if just his shadow fell on someone, they were healed. Where is that today? The church has been in effect, dead since the early church. There were the Dark Ages, which were part of the “Great falling away” 2Thes:2:3. Then God began to restore truth to the church. The Renaissance, and the printing of the Bible. The body of Christ was in the grave for two days and on the third day he rose again. We are that body of Christ. Hosea:6: 1-3:
Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.Hag:2:9
“The Glory of the latter house (end time church) shall be greater than that of the former.”Now one more little thing. The early church fathers held another epistle in high esteem if not even as Scripture. This was the Epistle of Barnabas. It wasn’t until the Nicene Council when they set the New Testament Cannon, that they excluded it. They excluded it for this one verse that they didn’t like. They were expecting an imminent return of Jesus, they didn’t want to wait almost another two thousand years. I will let the scholars fight over this issue of Cannon, but let’s look at what it said in Barnabas 15.
“Moreover concerning the Sabbath likewise it is written in the Ten Commandments, in which He spake to Moses face to face on Mount Sinai; and ye shall hollow the Sabbath of the Lord with pure hands and a pure heart (no 666 in the hand or heart). And in another place He saith; If my sons observe the Sabbath, then I will bestow my mercy upon them. Of the Sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of creation; and God made the works of His hands in six days, and he ended on the seventh day, and rested on it, and he hallowed it. Give heed, children what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifieth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end. And He rested on the seventh day. This He meaneth; when his Son shall come, and shall abolish the time of The Lawless One, (Antichrist) and shall judge the ungodly……"
I have not written this to strike terror in anyone’s heart, but hope and joy of a better time.
The world is not coming to an end, it is just coming to a start. When we look at the corruption and evil, I cry Come Lord Jesus. He is not going to deliver us from tribulation but through it.
“Blessed are ye that hunger and thirst for righteousness sake, for YE SHALL BE SATISFIED!!!” The Day of the Lord has begun.
No words can express my emotions right now other than to say I am so grateful for this site and I am perplexed as to why more are not here. Do people not want to know? I am craving truth; living for it and other than my Bible, this is the ONLY place I can get it.
PeterZ, God has so richly blessed you; He has to heal you. For those like me that need to hear and share your knowledge. I feel like an island, but it is less lonely knowing that someone else can see the truth and share it so eloquently. With all that I am, thank you.
Great post Peter. Very moving. There are many mysteries that are being revealed to us during these last days. Clearly, God has opened your eyes to see things that were hidden in the scriptures from the beginning. Thank you my friend.
Excellent post Peter. I remember this post when I first visited this site & it is good you posted it again for anyone who has not yet read it.
Susanne, sorry I never got around to answering your questions earlier. I know what you mean about the overwhelming nature if this world's evil. You are absolutely right on both counts.
1. The evil can be crippling, if we fixate on it
2. Jesus IS way bigger!!
Bless you, my sister for that simple, yet crucial faith. The Democrats will not calm the storms of current events, the power of man alone has no chance to still these troubled waters, only Christ. Amen. All boasting and Praise be to God!
The 9-11 movies are to rally back support for further pre-emptive wars, also to calm the questions raising in America about the "official" 9-11 story. Venezuela is conducting an independant 9-11 investigation, Charlie Sheen has come on the record saying that he believes Our government was behind the attacks. People are stirring up. The truth is getting out.
Praise the Lord!!
Have you read the latest post on Hanchett's blog, Susanne?
Well worth it!!
To the person hiding behind the hateful anonymous. I forgive you for your distortions and misrepresentations.
Shouldn't you be concerned for your own soul?
Young brother,
I adore your spirit. I have read Hanchett's blog. I go to Peter's and Steven's everyday. I can only post on Peter's because I do not have a blogspot and Steven's requires it. I enjoy them both equally, but PeterZ's is my favorite.
I have been struggling with mainstream religion and christians and I understand why now. They are not of God in a way that is genuine. I don't mean to stand in judgement of anyone but I can see the truth clearer now.
Many thanks and always best wishes,
It is good to hear from you. You have been so quiet; I've missed you. Looking forward to reading your info on the Mayan calendar. I hear it ends at 2012.
I have been posting on Steven's blog without a blogspot. When is the last time you tried?
Actually, I just assumed I can't post on Steven's because there is a URL that I thought has to be filled in. Maybe I can. I'll give it a try. Thanks. I need a name though (other than my real name). Have to give some thought to this. I really like yours. Where would we be without our faith...gotta have it.
Hi Peace,it's been awhile.
Thank you Susanne, I was wondering abotu that. Have you ever read my blog? I have a new post concerning the rapture, and how in these last days we are being made "ripe" for the harvest of God. This is an involved process. An engagement of the bride of Christ.
From what I understand about the church, it's people are either destructive to the name and purpose of Christ, or they are dwarfed in their potential. Corruption has eroded the heads of these institutions (although I surely hope there are exceptions to that decay somewhere in America)
The people only have the official church to go to for their spiritual feeding. Sheep need a shepherd. It hurt Christ deeply to see the thousands of people that crowded around him, straining to hear him, eyes filled with hope and yearning. Which is why he said to his disciples,
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray that the Father would send forth more workers."
There are so many people in the church, (and people rejected by the church) who hunger and thirst for righteousness. But they do not know a well that they can come to for that thirst. God will provide places of nourishment for all those who do yearn for righteousness. This blog is one such place.
Thank you, PeterZ for sharing what you see, and for faithfully continuing in this work.
as a well fed sheep might say, "not baaaaad"
Have Faith and everyone else,
I think I have settled on a name for posting. It was between "Forever Faithful" or "I'm His." I like them both but "Forever Faithful" has won.
So, Susanne is now and forever, Forever Faithful.
I am so blessed by this site and thanks to everyone here for their insight, faith and fellowship.
Forever Faithful
Forever Faithful,
I like the sound. Good choice. I will be looking forward to your future posts.
Thanks for the info about the Mayan Calendar and all. Very interesting.
Everyone have a great Easter weekend.
Have Faith,
I posted on Steven's site so thanks again.
Forever Faithful
Greetings to all,
The leader of Iran called for the removal of Israel again on Friday and denying the Holocaust. The national security council has given them until the 28th of April to stop its enrichment program. Isn't this ironic - that's the National Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Interesting times we are living in. I love watching the Bible literally unfold before our eyes. How can anybody deny our Lord? Stay watchful and alert.
The Iran leader has promised his people that he will wipe out Israel.
Forever Faithful
OOps, made another mistake. The Holocaust Rememberance Day is the 25th, not the 28th. It's close but it's not exact. Sorry, relied on my memory - should have known better!
PeterZ, Hope your treatments are going well; you're always in my prayers.
Forever Faithful
Thank You Susanne, I am doing better and better, trying to get my strength back, but in my weakness, He is made strong.
What a tribute you are to Him. Your faith is truly a testament and it pours out of you and into me.
Update on the church situation. I do not plan on attending Easter services unless my husband really presses for it.
I watched a show called "Liberty News" on satellite last night and it was showing how Bush has recommended churches and government work together "for a common social idea" and it just reinforced my belief and attitude. Then, I remembered a newsletter that the church sends out to members that has a page written by the pastor and in this particular newsletter he was discussing people not attending church (I had heard him before somewhat scorn people who had filled the church at Christmas that weren't regulars) that people should attend all the time. Maybe a pastor's job; didn't think much of it at the time really other than he could address it in a kinder way, until I remembered that in that newsletter was something about "Christians would want to be in church." This newsletter came out when we had quit attending church after about 6-8 months. I can remember thinking that this could not be just addressed to me, could it? The thought that has just come to me now is that in essence, he is saying that I (and whatever others) are not Christians because we do not attend church. Does he think that attending church makes you a Christian? (evidentally) -- I hope my husband doesn't press me to go....thanks again for listening. It helps.
I am feeling guilty because I am doing baskets of candy for my children. No excuse, just always have. But I've always attended church and I'm not doing that, but yet I'm doing the baskets. Change doesn't always come easy.
This show also had a segment about a replica of King Herod's temple built in Vegas I think where people are explaining that their religion is the "only true religion". Wouldn't surprise us if Rev. Moon isn't the false prophet leader behind it, wouldn't it. I hope they have a website we can go to. I don't have time right now to look, but if you're resting and want something to do, its called Liberty News.
Thanks for the much-needed fellowship Peterz. I'm grateful.
Forever Faithful,
I believe most everyone here agrees that attending church or not attending church does not a Christian make! It is good to fellowship with like-minded Christians and have support groups but unfortunately not only has politics infiltrated the churches but many make you feel alienated if your views do not line up with theirs.
If they were REALLY open to discussions, and allowed everyone in the church to voice their own views and scripture interpretation, it would be better. But unfortunately, it seems that ALL of them have already done your bible reading for you, interpreted it for you, and want you to digest the info their way or hit the highway!
This is a wonderful article saying what those of us who are awake have been saying. Good to spread around.
The Christian Paradox: How can a faithful nation get Jesus so wrong? What it means to be Christian in America today.
Excellent article Michael,
Peace, Great to hear from you. I am looking forward to watching the info on the Mayan Calendar.
I pray everyone has the opportunity to enjoy their loved ones this Resurrection Sunday.
Susanne.. Remember God can use you where ever you show the light of His love.
Words of wisdom, as always.
I'm afraid I feel like Have Faith when she says politics has infiltrated the church and you feel alienated. I think I can get past it and then I think about actually going back there and I can't bring myself to do it. It is a dilemma.
There's talk and proof some say, that the war with Iran has already started. How long before the Iranians retaliate against Israel?
Heavy sigh - remember all of His promises.
Forever Faithful
I hope this is a good day for you. I feel so strengthened and uplifted today and I want to pass it back around to you as you have done so many times for me. You have given me so much through this cyberspace we share and I read a passage the other day that made me understand a little more why I feel so blessed by you. The Bible says that it is a bond created in the heart from the Divine to guide us in a time when there is very little guidance. And nothing can break it. That is who you are to me. My bond from the Divine. (2 Tim.) I know it to be true.
I hope you feel joy from knowing this because I do. You have helped me that much and this I know to be true also. May He continue to bless you and heal you.
Forever Faithful,
That is a good name, and a challenge for believers. I am grateful that Christ is faithful even when we stumble in our walk with him. I know the blessings that you speak of, to come to a gathering ground of likeminded individuals. We are all blessings for one another, and that is how it should be.
The spirit is churning on the surface of the earth. There is growth in the midst of this cancer called Babylon. All glory be to our Father, who works in such unlikely vessles as our rag-tag group here. Peace be to all of you.
Young brother,
"Our rag-tag group here." You are too cool. Probably a pretty accurate description; I too am glad He works in unlikely vessels. That is surely the way I would have thought of myself, but I know I am His and He is mine. Forever and ever.
Forever faithful.
Being able to admit our own human quirks allows us each to be humbled. As Peter quoted recently, "In our weakness, Christ is made strong"
and of course there is so much joy to be found in 1 Cor 1
Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe....Brothers (and Sisters!), think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."
Amen, and halleluiah! We may be poor, we may be unimportant, but by God we will inherit this earth!
Young brother,
You are way too cool! Thanks for the encouragement; there is hope for us in Jesus and that is quite enough for me. More and more each and every day that is all that matters.
I read your new post and completely enjoyed it. Sooo true. I couldn't post though. I will try again.
Keep up the good work you do. I'm glad to know you.
Forever Faithful
article on the Former German Defense minister's interview, said WTC 7 used as command center of 9/11 attacks
Check out this video on Depleted Uranium http://innworldreport.net/# Click on the Tue, April 18, and move slide bar about 1/2 way through. This is the work of Satan
Peace... Speaking in tongues can be thought of as that which may be written, displayed or spoken in a kind of code.
So yes in a sense the stars are a form of tongues, as they are telling us a story in code.Gen:1:14: "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" Here we see the scripture tell us that the stars are given as signs, road maps and messengers. Angels are messengers and ministering spirits. ( I am working on a post about Angels) Ps:19:1: "The heavens declare (are telling of) the glory of God;" The bible is written and confirmed in the stars. You may remember my post about the stars "The Heavens are telling the Glory of God". God my speak to us in tongues, but we need the Holy Spirit to interpret.
Remember in the Book of Daniel, Dan:5:5 The hand writing on the wall said MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. ( a form of tongues) notice that what Daniel gave was the "Interpretation" not a translation. All the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers; could see the writing on the wall, but could not understand what it meant.
that's a great video link. How can people possibly think we are "the good guys" after seeing that we are the users of real WMDs, indiscriminately on poor suffering children. We have poisoned populations, and the earth for ages over there. It really makes sense when the Word says:
Mat 24:22 And unless those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved. But for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened.
hello to all,
As far as I am concerned programs like the INN World Report, Democracy Now and Liberty News are the only places to get the "real news that the networks won't tell you."
My dial up couldn't download the program on depleted uranium so if you get a chance would you mind briefing me on it? I don't think I caught that show. Thanks.
Rolling Stone magazine has a cover that shows bush as a cartoon character and says he is the worst president ever. "W" stand for worst. I want a copy. The world is beginning to wake up but we know it doesn't matter anyway except for maybe the harvest will grow. It's gonna be ugly if (IF) he gets backed against the wall.
Abe Lincoln said he could see how a man could look at the ground and not believe in God; but he didn't know how a man could look at the heavens and not believe in God. Wiser man than maybe even he knew, or maybe he did know. I have always liked that quote. So true.
I wish we could find an answer (even in the stars - if it would be from God) about a time frame. If I knew where or how to begin to figure it out I certainly would. Any ideas or suggestions. Or maybe you think it's not important that we know?
I have been praying for strength as it seems a little extra heavy right now. Maybe it is because so many things are happening so fast. I can't help but wonder if the annointed time isn't closer than we think. And I don't even know what I think.....
(perplexed and) forever faithful
Peace, my well-informed believer,
Thanks for filling me in on the I.N.N. Report. I want to know more about the clouds. Are they using clouds to spread the DU?
I am thinking that we are all feeling the pulse quicken here lately. I know I am. Things are moving along faster and faster and the evil is growing in leaps and bounds. Everywhere you turn it seems someone is mentioning armageddon.
I went to the occult calendar and there was so much information there I felt more overwhelmed. I didn't stay too long as I want to stay far away from anything or anyone that has to do with the occult.
How long is not long, relatively speaking, Peace? If you have an idea would you please share. It's a burning question right now. God has given much information and I cannot make sense of it. I am praying for wisdom and understanding (again).
I was reading the book of Daniel last night and came across Dan 11:45 where it is talking about the antichrist and it says "he will pitch his royal tents along the Tigris River." New International Version. That is where the new american embassy is being built.
Once again I am right with you on the fact that it is hard to grasp that this is all happening; even though we have been made aware for years. I don't understand why I feel so perplexed but I am glad to hear that you are doing the same thing. My heart is heavy. I find joy in our prospect of salvation and being with Him, but I need strength for what we have to go through first.
Also in several places in Daniel it mentions His people being delivered. I don't believe in the rapture but I do wonder about "being delivered." I will suffer and die for Him, but I also have a new complete understanding for Jesus asking God to take this cup from Him before He was to be crucified but His will be done. I don't mean to compare us to Jesus in any way; I guess it gives me comfort knowing Jesus needed strength for what He knew was to happen.
I read an article on-line the other day about how Bush was being told about the gas prices hurting people so badly and his meek reply was that if found to be any price gouging they would be dealt with firmly. (What a joke) Next sentence was how he was looking forward to riding his bike today in Napa Valley. We know he has no conscience but it's sickening that he does not even make an effort to cover it up. The article mentioned that gas studies have been done and no matter what they say the real reason is profiteering. Disasterously shameful and we know the worst is yet to come....
Again, I am indeed thankful for this site and the likeminds. It is a staple in my diet. I could live without food more easily than I could live without this fellowship.
I re-read Daniel 11:45 and it says, that he will pitch his royal tents between the seas. In the beginning of Daniel he is standing on the Tigris River and I got the impression that he is referring to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (between the seas). He also mentions by the holy mountain. Is this in Jerusalem or Iraq (Garden of Eden)?
Like I said, my well-informed fellow believer. I think I have found someone who is actually more involved in these crazy days than I am. I drive my husband crazy. I think he sees what is going on but prefers to put on blinders because he says "what's there to do about it anyway?" Maybe a valid point, but I am not that way. Some people prefer to close the book and some want to analyze every page. I want to analyze every page. I am counting on God shortening the time because even though my life is still comfortable right now, just the oppression that is taking place in the U.S. is stiffling to me. I know I am strong in Jesus but I am weak in my flesh.
I am so thankful for your fellowship.
Peace and peterz,
I would like to know more about the clouds and the DU. Are they using the could to spread DU everywhere in small amounts?
The clouds are not intentional, they have happened as an unexpected result of the DU dust that has gotten into the atmosphere and seems to effect Europe and England most.
Susanne, I have a post on my blog that touches on the Depleted Uranium phenomena, it is entitled, "Right wing reflection" you can find it if you scroll down through the posts. Our hypocracy is truely sickening. How upsetting it is to be awake in a world that is locked in denial.
Peace and everyone,
I did see that lecture about the Ebola virus because it is "quicker" than the AIDS virus and was astonished that instead of being booed out of the auditorium, there was a standing ovation. Unreal and they truly believe that they are doing God's work and will be raptured out. Could they get any more delusional and satanical.
Couldn't have said it better myself, young brother, about how it is upsetting to be awake in a world that is locked in denial. I prefer to be awake and thank God for allowing me to see and believe. Although, my husband would prefer me to be into soaps also, I wouldn't change a thing God is doing and planning. He will just have to suffer along. He keeps insisting that it's about the politics - I keep telling him it's about the Bible unfolding before our eyes, but he still can't (won't) latch onto the concept. Like he says, there is nothing to do about it anyway. Praying is doing something. Being refined by God is doing something. Watching is doing something. Just one of the many reasons I am glad to have my cyber friends. (extremely glad).
Peace, I know what you mean. I put my three kids through college and now they are busy trying to climb the corporate ladder, and don't really want to know about what is happening. This is why God planned the shaking to pry them loose from the love of this world. Hag:2:6: For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;7: And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.8: The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.
9: The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, (end time church) saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.
Very touching words and post Peterz! The Lord has blessed you with such understanding and the ability to share with others.
We all have had our chance to "Do it Our way." and now its time to open our eyes and see that "Our way" has caught up with us!
There is only one answer and the answer is Jesus!
All of this that's happening is a Wake Up call and yet so many will still prefer to sleep and to continue on their own ways.
I haven't posted here for awhile because the weight of all of this had finnally hit me hard.
I have had to take a look at my faith and walk with Jesus and to recommit myself to him. He has been comforting me greatly and helping me prepare.
Also I have been trying to wake up my Parents and family and some friends and neighbors.
I know now that even through these dark days coming, that there will be a light shining on ahead, and that light is of Jesus, and I definitely want to be found worthy and to follow him.
All of this wrong here on earth will be made right one day again, by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
God Bless you Peterz and everyone here.
Hey everyone,
Another show worth watching is "Countdown with Keith Olberman." He interviewed a man who works for a firm that researches data and his firm found that consistently viewers of Fox News were the most misinformed people (believed Saddam had something to do with 911, an
Al Quida connection, and still believed Saddam had WMD, bush was waging war to make the world safer, etc.), so they set out to find out why the viewers were so misinformed repeatedly. They found that by repeating lies over and over people believed it and he also went on to say that in order to do this most effectively, Fox had hired a Hollywood film group to help them spread their propaganda. It worked and still is.
The new movie that is coming out "United 93" that is getting rave reviews (Ebert gave it 4 stars saying it is a don't miss), is just to counteract the growing knowledge that our government was behind 911 and to keep emotions raw. People believe this more than they believe the truth of Jesus. Sad, but true.
The ayotolla kohmani of iran said today that if iran is attacked by the U.S. that they will retaliate times two. The deadline imposed by our government for iran to stop their uranium enrichment program is this Friday, the 28th. We know and they have said they have no intention of stopping the program. They have said they will even retaliate against sanctions. I wonder how long before bush strikes. He will have to to maintain his credibility (choke). I can guarantee it will be before the midterm elections and maybe he will suspend elections, thus keeping control of congress and his newly acquired dictatorship. Until Jesus comes back anyway.
Don't you wonder how all these people in bush's cabal will feel when he creates armageddon on earth (WWIII)and they are not raptured out of it like he has promised? Gotta admit I am kinda looking forward to that....but not the in-between stuff until our Lord makes his glorious return.
May His peace guide us all in the days ahead.
forever faithful
Bush launches an investigation, Another scam. Another biased investigation like the 911 Omission Report staked with those that are drunk with the wine of Babylon, the Bush Neo-Conmen.
Peace I am with YB when I saw the FOX= 666 revelation, it was a witness to my spirit, It was the Lords answer to me. I had just been chatting the day before with some of the brothers in Christ and I said the name FOX must have some significance. " I wonder what it means?" It has been in media for a long time. Bless you.
Again to those that want to make it a Political thing Democrat or Republican. This whole system is corrupt and Antichrist. Isa:9:16: "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
Ps:55:23: "But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee."
It is sad that so many are blind 2Thes:2:11: "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"
Do any of you feel at times a bit like those in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" All those people had seen something, but the rest thought they were crazy. God is speaking and those that are listening will hear and declare the truth in the power of the Kingdom to the lost and dying world.
I laughed when I heard that bush was going to do an investigation. I can't remember what year it was (2003 or 04) when he left his crawford ranch and made a big to do about signing the energy bill that allowed companies to do this. And now he'll investigate? He thinks we are so stupid and he's so smart it's almost comical.
Exxon posted a 7% profit over last year and they say that the second quarter will be even higher. Aren't we excited for them? The retiring director of Exxon is going out the door with a $400 million retirement package. It almost seems like we are being provoked in some way. More and more bizarre everyday.
Forever faithful
I read with interest, and some disappointment, the path that this blog seems to be going. Are we a group of the faithful whom, as God says, are required only to "do justly, LOVE MERCY, and walk HUMBLY with our God" ?
Forever Faithful: How do you think God would feel about your statement that you are "looking forward" to the suffering that "bush's cabal" will feel?
Peace: Do you think God is a Democrat? Is this a forum for political posturing. Certainly you don't believe that the Democratic party, with their incessant pandering to minorities, desire to legalize murderous abortion, and wanton wasting of resources on trivialities are more "holy" than any of the other secular parties?
Peterz: If you've truly rededicated yourself to following the Lord since your fall at Sonshine Farm, shouldn't this blog concern itself not with warning of the impending doom and gloom that is coming and may already be here, but with turning people's hearts back to Him?
The overall feeling that I get here is one of excitement over the suffering that those YOU consider to be evil will go through. Seems like I read a passage that said "There but for the grace of God go I". Should we not be concerned for all men, including our leaders (as written in I Timothy 2:1-2)?
I am as interested in escatological teaching now as I was when I was a part of Sonshine Farm, but I still don't believe in thrilling myself with the notion that Bush, or any other "man" will be spending eternity in Hell. I have pity on those who are evil, and pray that God will change their hearts.
Let's be excited that the end is near - not because those who YOU judge to be evil are punished, but because WE will be forever with him when it is all over, and hopefully with many of those who currently don't appear to follow Him. After all, was Paul that much different than Osama Bin Laden?
Merciful... Be very careful of your own arrogance that blinds you to the evil that is running this country. This is not a Democrat or Republican thing as stated above, but the system of the Antichrist. I am not sure what blog you have been reading but no one here is looking for or delighting in George Bush's judgment, but the spirit behind him. What you are seeing is a hunger and a thirst for the murdering, lying, stealing, corruption and injustice to STOP See Matthew 5. You hypocrite "murderous abortion"? I would ask you if you think it is ok to murder after they are born? Or perhaps you think it is ok to use Depleted Uranium in Iraq and maim generations to come with hideous birth defects. "pandering to minorities"? Who would you have look out for the OPPRESSED minorities? Or should we just keep walking on them. Did you forget Jesus command to treat others as you would be treated?
"Peterz: If you've truly rededicated yourself" What makes you think I need to convince you? The Lord knows what the truth is. Rom:14:4: "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand."
Who do you think you are to tell me what I should be doing? Do you think I need to meet your approval? Do not suppose that because you may have been at Sonshine Farm in those days, that you know me or my heart. Do you now think you sit in the seat of judgment? I have not heard you begging forgiveness for your part in the hatefulness that was shown me and my family there. Do not propose that because I had sinned, that there was justification for the actions that followed. You don't know what you are talking about or what really happened there, or the damage that was done to me, nor did you care. The Lord took His anointing away from that place as a result, and there has been no growth since. As far as my rededicating my self; I would tell you that I never turned away from the Lord. I would admit it took me years of prayer and seeking to understand and come to be able to truly forgive. I know I hurt many there because I had let them down. I sought the forgiveness of the fellowship and humbled myself in front of them all. I got on my knees in front of a certain "elder" and begged forgiveness, and was treated with skepticism and a hardened heart of hatefulness, and he has not yet repented of it. God has forgiven me and I have forgiven them and you, because the Lord has given me grace. What you see going on now in this blog is not a rededication but a new fire that God has begun, not just in me but world wide. This blog is about exposing the darkness and showing forth His glorious light. It has come from seeing the "Strong Delusion" 2Thes:2:11 that has blinded this world and especially this country. If you truly are interested in "eschatological teaching" open your eyes. Remember those things you were taught at Sonshine Farm, they were REAL, and are happening NOW. Repent from your Republican heart. I am not playing some polite little parlor game. I must and am compelled to be obedient to do that which My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has shown me. Nothing will stand in His way.Rom:8:38: "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,39: Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
You signed your Anonymous post "Merciful" shouldn't it have been "Judgmental"?
I can see that there is still no room for open conversation that may go opposite to your viewpoint on subjects without incurring your "anger". At the Farm, you were able to kick out those who questioned you, and here you can simply either refuse to post their comments, ignore them, or respond hatefully back. My comments were not made with any malice or condemning judgement.
Twisting my comments about "murderous abortion", and calling me a hypocrite will not change the truth. The comment was directed to anyone who would put their trust in a system (such as Democrat or Republican, etc.). As for OPPRESSED minorities - let's not include the minorities that are looking for a free ride by pretending to be oppressed. I do not deny the existence of prejudice or oppression both now and in the past. But let's not use another generation's oppression as a ticket for preferential treatment. Let's address the oppression. Neither of these comments were part of the main point that I was making regarding ALL secular politics. The Republican party is equally evil.
No one suggested that you have to prove yourself to anyone but God. Interesting, though, that you would make that comment at the same time as accusing me of participating in hateful conduct - do you think that I need to meet your approval?
I love and fear the Lord. I still love you, but no longer fear you. Also, I am not here to disrupt your group blog. Perhaps it was poor judgement on my part to post at all. In any case, I will continue to enjoy your blog, pray for you and the others, and refrain from posting my disagreements.
No room for disagreement? Or did you just not like the response? It was ok for you to come into this house and correct everyone else, but you were above reproach? There was nothing hateful or twisting about my response, it was a rebuke that contained a warning that you consider the moat in your own eye. You "still love me"? what does that mean to you?
On CNN just a few minutes ago they showed a short segment on Loose Change and the gal reporter commented about there being people out here that think that 911 was a hoax (WHAT?? you gotta be kidding!)and that the towers was brought down with explosives, she mentioned Loose change and some other Google 911 videos. She turned it back over to Wolf Blitzer and he didn't say anything.
I know that this is a sign that they are slowly allowing the truth to come out.
God Bless Everyone!
The main truth for us is with Jesus.
Greetings to all,
I had a curious thought - what if the immigration demonstrations planned for Monday, May 1st, get out of hand and this leads to martial law. The protest leaders say their aim is to shut down cities like LA, Phoenix, Chicago, New York, Tuscon and a few others. Maybe that's why they have been riling them up. Nine thousand (illegal?) immigrants have been rounded up this week. Just a passing thought....
A quote from condi rice about being in iraq with rummy, "We're actually having a great time in iraq." They must be the only ones.
Yeah - I can't wait to see evil in every shape and form wiped out from this earth. If that includes me for finding hope in God's word for removing all evil then come what may.
The world is spinning and time is too short for bickering. I don't have the strength for it; this world and this system of things is emotionally and physically draining. We should all say thanks to Jesus for keeping us spiritually uplifted. His promises are the only inspiration I have to keep pushing through this life.
forever faithful
Hey everyone, quite a lively bit of discussion!! F.F. you crack me up. God bless your blunt spirit. Kevin G, Welcome back! So good to see you saddle up again! Praise the Lord, he is refining all his faithful witnesses.
Merciful, you swung the wrong hammer of judgement and condemnation at the wrong crowd. Sorry, darlin' but your attitude reeks of self-righteousness. The faux-forgiveness of your is an attitude shared by most of the church. You condemn us for condemning those that "WE consider to be evil". But the truth is being laid bare. The guilt of a man like Bush is not of our opinion, but rather of the law of moses (Thou shalt not kill, bear false witness, have any gods before the Lord...to name a few)
remember that Love abhors what is evil, and clings to what is good. It can discern between the two, and does not pretend that everything is smiles and daisies. Wishing the world to be peaceful and Godly does not make it so.
you also said:
"I have pity on those who are evil"
To rejoice in the justice of God is to accept the judgement of the faithful and the wicked. Although your comment reminds me of Christ asking the Father to forgive those who were nailing him to his death... However Christ said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" It is one thing to show mery to the blind, the unknowing, and the misled. It is quite another to speak in defense of evil.
kevin g and all,
of course, there are those that are calling the movie 'Loose Change' a conspiracy theory, but we would expect that.
It seems that maybe the truth of 911 coming out has some sort of vindication tied to it. Like, if people can start to see that 911 was an inside job, then maybe they can see that what we have been saying about bush being the antichrist is true also. That we do know what we are talking about and not just some crazy crackpots. I hope people do start to see the truth of 911 which may possibly lead them to start thinking for themselves and start looking to Jesus. As for me, I no longer need the vindication; I used to not too long ago, but I know what I know and that's enough for me.
peterz, thanks again for this blog and sharing all your wisdom.
you go my young brother in Christ. Indeed He is blessing you with a strength that is undeniable. I'm blessed to witnes it; it's incredible. I'm glad I could bring you a little joy with my "bluntness." Are you referring to my statement about looking forward to watching evil get what evil deserves? I could never take any delight or pleasure in watching another human suffer in any way (can barely watch 'R' rated shows and still cover my eyes and it's just pretend), but having true evil destoryed forever is heaven. Isn't that our ultimate goal?
peterz, I can't believe this person knew you and knows you so little. Why would she have feared you? Maybe none of my business but I'm sorry sonshine farm didn't go as planned. Isn't that always what happens when man gets involved? We have always messed up God's plan. It has brought you here and now and I for one know my blessing because of it; truly and sincerely.
forever faithful
the link that Peace left above for Fox doesn't work try this
Hi, all
Long time, no see...
I have several reasons for not posting or reading for so long, the least of which is burout - it's a lot to keep up with.
The other reason is that I have been busy writing and also doing work for the chorus I am a member of, TGMC.
I have a few quick announcements:
- I am back to posting on my primary blog,Living Positively
- I will be posting soon on by secondary blog, Keeping an Eye on the Rogue State
- One of my songs will be performed by TGMC (see above) in June 2006, so if you happen to be in the area, please cme and join us!
In addition, I would like to make a note of something that I just became aware.
It seems that FEMA did in fact get a chance to do som analyses on metal from the WTC:
Forensic Metallurgy
I have been able to locate most of the FEMA report, but the key report, appendix C, is a bit harder to find.
I'll keep y'all posted.
I found the report....
Not light reading. The FEMA site is so screwed up right now that things are hard to find, but leave it to Google to keep a wonderful database of stuff on the net!
The comment you left on stephen's site regarding the mark of the beast is starting to make sense to me, I think I'm starting to get it. I have always seen the prophecy as literal (an actual mark), but IF I am understanding it correctly now, it is saying that only the followers of satan will be buying and selling and trading because they will be the only ones with money left after paying bills. Therefore, the rich (his base), his 32% will be the ones in control?
Have I gotten it?
Hope today is a good day for you and you are feeling well.
Well Susanne.... that wasn't exactly what I meant, but an interesting application. The scripture says he causes ALL both Rich and Poor.Rv:13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. We all are trapped in this Antichrist system. Every time we go to the grocery store and use Federal Reserve notes. The difference is that we are not worshipping the beast. We do not look for a bigger and better Capitalism. We seek another Kingdom. We do not serve this beast system with our foreheads (mind,soul) or our hand (body).I believe receiving the mark of the beast 666 is when man believes he can solve all his own problems. Christ was God making himself man, Antichrist is man making himself God. It is being sold out to the systems of man. Religious, Political and Economic. Remember your survey? Most don't want Jesus to come back for a thousand years, because they are bound to this world. We have all been guilty of it but now we are washed. 1Cor:6:11: "And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
Thank you for your prayers, I am feeling well, I just get a bit tired at times.
ok peterz,
I think I have got it - finally. It's just a matter of which master you are serving and putting your trust in. It works exceptionally well. I have to say my thoughts have been somewhat preoccupied with the dollar (or rather the lack of) and I bring myself back to God's promise of providing (consider the birds of the air), but trusting God and paying the bills sometimes seem in different galaxies. I know God is ALWAYS there and I always trust Him, but we do have to do have earthly responsibilities. For the first time ever in my life I can see living in a commune with shared interests - God, family, fellowship and farming, and being free from this system of things and being able to devote hours and days to the glory of God without the burden of earthly responsibilities. A little peace on earth.
It makes me happy that you are doing well; may God keep it that way. Blessings to you.
I too have been a Christian over 40 years and studied the bible. I do not believe Bush is the AntiChrist. There is no nation that loves or follows him, his own people hate him. No I think you are looking in the wrong place. The AntiChrist is a woman. She will bring peace to the Middle East and everyone will love her. Believe it or not, we'll see who is right. Jesus, Moses, David, Noah nor any of the other's were refered to as beautiful. Everyone thinking all these references to her, she has to do with a church...Name one that they didn't suspect as being the AntiChrist that didn't have a woman behind him? Who better to get a man to do their bidding. This is a woman in power and she is about too come into more power within the next 10 years. As it is written, so shall it be.
Keep revealing truth.
Yahushua (the Hebrew name of J-sus) was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights - the one sign that He gave to the people. This throws a wrench in the "Christian" Good Friday theory. He is the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb and the details of the fulfillment are in Exodus and Leviticus.
He came the first time as a Lamb but will return as a Lion!!
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